chasing a hilux

Started by Robert Harvey 35, January 10, 2011, 05:33:51 PM

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Robert Harvey 35

going for a overall ranking with this line up. tell me wat you think an i will happily rate yours.

DEF: B. Gibbs, S. Gilbert, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, J. Adcock, A. Otten, M. Hibberd (J.Toy, M.Coad, C. Richardson)
MID: D. Swan, G. Ablett jnr, P. Chapman, B. Goddard, L. Anthony, J. Sherman (T. Mzungu, S. Blease, A. Krakouer)
RUC: A. Sandilands, D. Petrie (A. Cordy, Z. Smith)
FWD: N. Riewoldt, J. Brown, C. Rioli, M.Morten. C. Knights, R. Petterd, I. Smith,  (J. Darling, D. Talia, L. Tapscott)
CASH LEFT: $3,000


Defence is pretty solid, though Goddard should be in your defence and not mid.
Your Mid is ultimate, though that hurts your fwd...alot, you need to drop a couple mids and get rookies, mid rookies are known the best cash cows then any other position, get first round draft picks like swallow and gaff, they are the favourites to bloom early to get you the cash for that ultimate midfield.
with the extra cash from the downgrades you can get rid of those iffy players like rioli, morten, knights or petterd, this will benfit your team in the long run, meaning that hilux.

Robert Harvey 35

thanks popedelio. i think mpp is important thats why i have gone chappy and goddard in the mids. because i feel it hurts my mids to have any other dual position players in my mids.

my idea was to start with the ultimate midfield. set and forget. with maybe the idea of swapping god and chappy out later in the season to forwards and backs and bring in boyd hayes bartells.

knights is a proven jet. avg 80+ 3 yrs running before last yr injures. i see him as a keeper and top 10 point scoring fwd players. rioli is a premium. your concern might be injuries??? morten if plays midfield like the back end of last season could be avg 90 and keeper. i have seen pettard in a few teams but havent really got a good reason to have him.

why do you think those fwd players are iffy? sure they might be slightly risky but there is merit to my madness??? wat are your thoughts???


rekon your def is ok, but if your gunna start a rook, probly go ben jaconbs or heppell. :) -.5

mids are way way way to strong, i know you wanna set and  forget, but your missing out on swallow and gaff and other rooks who will most likely make tonnes of cash , -1

rucks are fine, will cordy play? maybe max bailey?

fowards arent bad but imo you should downgrade some mids to rooks and upgrade morton or petterd? -.1

7.5/10  :)

can you rate my team ?,23658.0.html


I agree your mid is exciting


reckon your defence is ok, hows gilbert going to go will be the question for me.

mids is insane, solid as all hell where is your money going to come from?

rucks are good no issue at all

forwards to many what if players for me could really hurt you,
J. Brown, C. Rioli, M.Morten. C. Knights, R. Petterd

like most i would move goddard to back, chappy to front, not get ablett till rd 10 if you want him get boyd instead and get ablett before rd 10
of all the rookies i think swallow is a must have, no risk coz everyone else will be in the same boat if he fails


Backs and ruck solid but your forwards are pretty poor because your midfield is so expensive. Drop one or two guns and get some guns into the forward line!

Can u please rate mine, cheers Hally,23597.0.html

Robert Harvey 35

knights is a must have. morton will be a gun if he stays in the midfield. gilbert is iffy but theres plenty of alternatives to change him.

but the question is who is better than j brown rioli??
if fev goes surely brown will be get some ball. rioli ppl dont seem to like him? durability??

who do i take instead of rioli and brown? brennan, jack riewoldt? rok, cloke higgins??


for me its not a matter of having these players i just think all of them is a big risk,

Robert Harvey 35

some will work some will flop. we got more trades this yr anyway. but its early days. sherman capable of bringing his average back up to 90?? otherwise i could trade him to swallow then that would get me some cash. you gotta risk it to get the biscuitt


sorry for the later reply Harvs
well I can see what you are thinking, a mid at 400k is usually more consistent then a foward.
I called those players iffy because we are still kind of unsure how they are going to turn out in 2011, sure get some of those players, but you have 4 of them in your foward line, and fowards are once again know for inconsistent, and having iffys they will perform mega inconsistent, though for your sake i hope they will be consistent, and surely one of them will have a happy 2011 dt season.
Really its just the concern of not having a cash cow or 2 extra, which by say downgrading maybe just one mid, so what i would reccomend is to drop Anthony to Gaff, though why gaff over swallow you might ask? To me I reckon Gaff will have better dt scoring year then swallow, though thats just my opinion we'll just wait till NAB. I would use the cash to upgrade Rioli, to me he just keeps getting injured, i prefer morton over rioli because of durability and scoring potential combination. Keep Petterd because he will be a cash cow upfront, the player i would upgrade to would be Didak, MPP, playing for the premiership side, in good form last season, you should keep the remaining cash for future upgrades.
To me a side like so would give a greater chance for that Hilux.

Hope this helps.

Robert Harvey 35

thanks for the reply. popedelio. i know wat you are saying. we have 3 bench players this yr so they will be the extra income earners. but i dont really like rioli and brown they look the best on paper at this stage for wat i can afford. jack riewoldt is around there price. wat do you reckon about him
its early days. im sure there will be some bolters in the nab and we'll go from there


The probglem is that there is no good foward around the 350k price range, you need more money to get a more consistent foward, and i would say best option is to downgrade the midfield.
Though I can see you do not want to change so I woul kepp J.Brown coz he loves pumping massive scores then get injured, so you can trade later if he does get injured. Even though rioli is probably more consistent then J.Riewoldt, its just the injury concern, so i would reccomend Riewoldt over Rioli for that reason.

Robert Harvey 35

mmmm jack riewoldt could be good. but i have got reason to pick knights morten an im sticking too it and im confident they will pump out the numbers. theres still plenty of time till rd 1 and nab cup will give us a better idea of players. thanks for your help man


i like its different to the norm :)