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the best dt stratergy

Started by underdog11, January 10, 2011, 04:13:03 AM

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I found that coming into 2011 with all these ****ing byes and rule changes the approach to dt would have to change immensely to have any hope of surviving the entire season. My strategy will be broken down into many parts, factoring in all the byes etc, here are some of my own strategies: Do not  have anyone in your dream team without a good purpose, everyone who you have chosen (especially debutons) must be throughly researched first hand. I find first hand information an a essential tool because thats the only real way to know if you want that certain player and that he fits into your dt.

This would have to be the main rule of almost every dream teamer who considers themselves a real contender to claiming a spot anywhere in the top 5,000, DUAL POSITION. Dual positioned players and the rule in its self can NOT be underrated in its importance. If utilized well, the dual position rule can effectively give you an extra bench in any area varying on were you have the player and how many you have of them.   

Thanks for reading some of my dt tactics and strategies for the 2011 season. I would also appreciate if you could give me a rating on my very own dt.,23748.0.html



i really disagree, DPP is important late in the season for resting but too much DPP especially early on in the season is a waste and makes your team weak. For me i will have no DPP in the centre as this is a waste of spots, i will take pure midfielders in instead that will gain me the money i need to upgrade my centres who will also be all only centres. I will only probably put some rookie downgrade very late in the season as my 9th midfielder. For me the only DPP i will use at the start is petrie in the forward line, as there arent many good forward rookies and i dont trust ruck benches. If you pick solid bench players and have a balanced team you will have no problem. Unless you get mass injuries and if that happens your gone anyway for the rankings


Well said Holz, couldnt agree more. Lots of people this year are going to forgo quality players for lesser dual positioned players, and lose plenty of points along the way.


I agree to a certain degree.

MPP's will be valuable, but I don't think you want to go 'overboard' with it early in the year.

The midfielders hold the best scoring players, with up to 20 players averaging over 100 here. Players with this sort of average are very hard to find in the fwd and backs, and at the end of the day you want as many players as possible in your side averaging over 100. I think it would be silly to rob yourself of points by selecting players like Goddard or Chappy in the middle. Unless you want to swap their position later of course.

My personal strategy this year (half mentioned in another thread) is to have ROCK SOLID emergencies in each position. I believe they'll be needed.

I think (at this stage) rookies such as Mzungu (C/F) and Heppel (B/C) would be very wisely selected in the midfield. That way, you have cover being able to swap B/C's and F/C's into the midfield (or vice-versa) if necessary.


i agree with holzman, if you have mpp at the start of the year due to coincidence then all well and good but dont fore go a good starting team for a team with mpp not much point in having loads of cover if your bleeding points for it