The Nailers (Rate for a Rate) Lot of new changes.

Started by Nails, January 07, 2011, 11:36:37 AM

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Master Q

No. Do you have any Forwards you can Swap with Petrie?


Sorry, that's what I meant...

Ummm, not at the moment. I could put daw in the forwards as I said but I'm afraid of him being too weak, and not sure who to put as the 4th ruck then... It's a bit of an issue, I have 50k sitting around which will be good for upgrades, but I'm itching to find one more gun somehow, but is probably pointless.


I had a think about it and I'm worried my team is becoming too main stream, I started off high risk for high reward, I want to win the car, if I make it too much like this can I still win the car? Sure if all my guns fire I guess... but knights/foley need to stand out...


Master Q

Why do you need to change your 4th ruck if you bring in Daw.

If you have flexibility with your Rucks and Forwards, Obviously it'd give you a better chance of winning the car.

Don't worry about it being to main stream, as long as it is a bit different, everything changes come Round 2  ;)


because Daw is my 4th ruck as it stands. Therefore put him in forward = another ruck needs to be found.

I came 2,955th last season, was top 50 after 2nd round... need a team that won't go so horrible rounds 4-6 like it did 2010...

Master Q

Why did you get Petrie and Daw as rucks in the first place? Now it'll be much harder for you. You could consider Zac Smith?


get macdonald.... daw and petrie have the same byes :)