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Started by RiOtChEsS, January 05, 2011, 01:26:39 AM

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roo boys!

Glorious pics everyone, makes me really want to see these sights ofthe world ;)


amazing pictures and great stories gentleman :) this thread has already proved its worth with quality content...

Meet David his poetry has a strong aussie bushman theme and he busks in the main st of Victor Harbor on a 2-5 days a week basis depending on how his back feels as he can only stand for short periods of time, id passed him most days for about 6 months before i plucked up the courage to talk to him and ask if he would mind me taking some photos of him, he was extremely upbeat and agreed...

he carries all his belongings with him at all times and he was an amazingly humble and positive gentleman... i also slipped him $10 which made his face light up like christmas ;D

i shot this with high iso and heavy aperature to try and create a grainy old feel bcos thats how i see him... to qoute him "life as i see it"

Justin Bieber

Can see what you did with the second picture. Does work out well and get across what you mean.

Can see the sign in the first photo with his quote.

Amazing photos Marcz. And you'll never know how many amazing people you can meet. I still need to travel more to do so though.


absolutely Hp there is much to experience... im not a big ppl photographer and im trying to reach out and expand on that as there r so many terriffic stories behind the faces... my passion lies mainly with landscape and adventures its almost like a reset button to go on an epic journey by urself for hours on end with next to nobody around no noise no stress just be 8)

this is the 50 yo opening batsman from my cricketing story in the best sledges thread... as u can see he is an absolute character :P


Wow Marcz you are a really amazing photographer. Is it just a hobby of yours or is it your profession?
Got no clue what you are talking about when you say things like: shot this with high iso and heavy aperature though haha

Justin Bieber

Haha Marcz ;D. Why does his teeth look shiny though? Or is that just me......

I think it's just a Hobby as he owns a Pizza place (if I'm correct).


you are a professional aren't you marcz?

i noticed on one of the pictures it has marc russell copyright, your username is marcz so i could only assume.


Yeah that's why I asked JT. I would assume anyone who watermarks their photos must be atleast semi pro


Love that movie. ;D

These are amazing photos Marcz. Wish I had the time to travel and meet different people. It's too hard right now being 15. :(


Haha you will have plenty of time to travel ML ;)



thanks guys ;) its just a hobby for me going on 5 years now i watermark them bcos there r pirates out there that steal ur wares and distribute them as their own... i register my images thru and there r watermarks embedded in key areas with minimal visibilty should a pirate try to make money off my images there is a high chance they wouldnt have been able to remove the watermarks and i could pinpoint them, just a technique i picked up from reading mags...

i do own a pizza place which keeps me busy everyday especially this time of year so my next adventure is the first monday of february :D

this is my place and those r some of my prints on the walls... i can also claim the great honor of feeding fellow FF Coach McRooster not so long ago and what a champion he is in real life aswell as on the forum ;)

Justin Bieber

Nice little place you got there. Now I'm hungry for Pizza again :(.

Nice idea with the watermarks. Come across anybody trying to use them yet?


Yeah thats cool Marcz, you do take great pictures though.
I used to work at Pizza Hut. I was the store manager, did that in 2009 during my gap year so I could earn money to travel through europe and earn enough money so I could claim youth allowance from centrelink :)
I swear I gained 10kgs working there!


i seem to get that alot and is there ever a bad time for pizza ???

if uve ever heard of its a forum similar to this except directed toward painters photographers and one of the main founders of the site caught a lady last year stealing members images and redistributing them on flikr and her own website... redbubble took care of the case for those that were affected but i wasnt one :'( i guess thats the ultimate compliment really someone steals ur work and claims it as their own...