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Started by RiOtChEsS, January 05, 2011, 01:26:39 AM

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Justin Bieber

Looks like Paddy to me.

Well nobody looks like we expect them to ;). I should know that :P.


Well done guys absolute pearlers.

1 > If I could i would start putting some up from our travels but for the love of me can't do it. Will practice more. So it's in the pipeline.

2 > Have heaps of the states lying around  that little ol canyon in Nevada.


Think it was Hurley, cheapskates only bought two between six of us and I don't know who kept copies.
I didn't use to look like that, was a cut athlete in my day  :P

I've only just learnt naste (with Alex and my wife's help). I've had the footy photos since rnd 18 but couldn't work it out how to get them on and the others I've had for some time.
Including these from Mauritius (for you BB - I think he said somewhere he was Mauritian)....

Dried octopus anyone?

Justin Bieber

OH :o. Those look like dead roots :o.

Some awesome street shots Roost. Only if I took my Camera to India. If you were in a cab on one of the main roads, probably one of the scariest things you can do if you were visiting ;). Great sight when you just see all of them moving in cohesion so well without any crashes.


weird, I was expecting roost to look like this:


HP I was there in the off season and hence why in the first photo there's no-one around, as I'm on the developed for tourists European side of town.
Just under and on the other side of the road and past armed guards they have their markets for their people, full of beggars, peddlars and disfigured, handicapped people.
Going to a place like that (and India) really makes you appreciate what we have got here and how good life is for us. The gaps between the have's and the have nots is ridiculous but it only takes one man to make a difference. After we had crossed the road we got talking to a father with a kid from a school near the resort we were staying at and it was compelling.
We managed to get something like $11,500 grand raised back at the resort from a famous cartoonist auction we held and sponsored this kids school for a new photocopier plus other bits.

His name was Arvind and he made a difference that day.


Wow Mc :o
Truly inspiring stuff, some of the stuff you do is really amazing.

Justin Bieber

INspirational like always Roost. There were really armed guards on the side of the road?

It is really humbling indeed going to a 3rd world country. See what they have compared to what we take for granted. The money we make compared to what it is worth to them.


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 05, 2011, 09:53:56 PM
INspirational like always Roost. There were really armed guards on the side of the road?

It is really humbling indeed going to a 3rd world country. See what they have compared to what we take for granted. The money we make compared to what it is worth to them.
Guards were actually under the road, one at either end (you use an underpass to cross the street), the ships in the harbour and their coastal patrol is intense - loads of piracy. I had a guy sell me a shopping bag full of new AA batteries for 10 rupee, I gave him a hundred and gave them to the school (100 rupee is about 5 or 6 bucks Aussie).

Quote from: Alex7089 on January 05, 2011, 09:49:20 PM
Wow Mc :o
Truly inspiring stuff, some of the stuff you do is really amazing.
Alex, anyone can - it's just recognising that trigger point and when to pull that's the hard part  ;)
I really do support anyone brave enough to make a decision based on feel and forget their head talking to them - it brings heartfelt rewards  :)

Justin Bieber

100 Rupees in India is not even $3 for us now.

Nice thing to do for the School.


Buy some American dollars HP ATM, i'm going to and then convert them when I go to Brazil.

Check out my sister in law - I know lot's of people take this shot but it couldn't be helped. Tours were allowed up the Tower that day, very lucky  :)

and in case you need one, here's a bath at bath  :P

^^^ this one is for the Generals and higher rank and this one is for the rest of the lesser ranked soldiers vvv

Justin Bieber

Only if her hand was a little more bent backwards :P.

Is it just me, or do that water look Green? :-\.

Aussie $$ is strong and could be a good time to change to US then wait a few months until they get back on their feet to cash in. No point changing as I doubt I'll be going overseas any time soon.


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 05, 2011, 10:39:06 PM
Only if her hand was a little more bent backwards :P.

Is it just me, or do that water look Green? :-\.

Aussie $$ is strong and could be a good time to change to US then wait a few months until they get back on their feet to cash in. No point changing as I doubt I'll be going overseas any time soon.

Just open up my Travlex card today for Hong Kong in March but using Aussie $'s & will use holes in walls as well as the visa side of it. Looking at BankWest as they apparently let you open accounts in US $'s. Will check out if true or false.


HP the waters are fed by natural springs and the first one still has the roof over it and has coins in it, hence the comparitive clarity and sparkle.
The second one has had the roof collapse into it and is exposed to the elements and has algae too.
The two guys in costume are there as guides but also to stop anyone touching the water, which is within reach but strongly forbidden.

Justin Bieber

Figured the first one was indoors. It's like a wishing fountain then with all the coins?

I like the picture though of it. Looks beautiful.