Started by StantonLEGEND, April 23, 2009, 05:55:48 AM

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Why do you hate mitch Robinson?

He is extremely ugly
3 (16.7%)
He can't speak english
1 (5.6%)
He plays for carlton
5 (27.8%)
He describes himself as hyperactive
1 (5.6%)
All of the above
8 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 3


just thought id get it out there and im sure that a lot of you will agree with me.

i really do hate mitch robinson
#1 - he is extremely ugly
#2 - he cant talk proper english
#3 - he plays fro carlton



great post I loved it for the following reasons

#1 u make sense much so
#3 u right with proper englich
#2 u have both eyes opened


Hey jusso, Did u not get to scool. get it rite.

#1:- u make sense no.
#2:- u rite with propper englich.
#3:- u have both eye opened.

**NOTE the ful stop afta santence.


sorrie naste i only got two grade for at scool but every time i sea a StantonLEGEND
post i think i mite leern alot so i wil be looking out four them

Well done mate ceep up the good work



OoHKaye jusso, Me so slorry, but stil no ful stop afta santence.
Get rite or go bak to scool.
U do that an loook owt four StantonLegend grate lesons two bee lernt.
                               C tha ful stops. <
Got two go now as off two scool tobe a englich teecher.
Takeing a hole lot time.
Showd off ben a Garbo but training two hard,but supose wood ave picked it up as went along.


you are an absolute twat naste..for *ucks sake


your a loser stanton legend. what do you give to this great website. honestly??

all you do is go onto blogs and talk up one of the most over rated players in the afl. win a brownlow you reckon like the great hird, dont be stupid

and to set up a stupid poll like this, ridiculous. i bet you wouldve been the first to talk him up after round 1 and how much you loved him. your are pathetic, hiding behind your screen name talkin shower you immature little shower. either post usefull posts or p**s off


a post asking if kevin rudd is going to be named for collingwood has more sense than stantonlegends posts... lol


I thought Kevin Judd was named for Carlton?


kevin rudd lol not judd... see not even i understood that joke i did. just disregard it.


I think some people might be taking this a bit to serious fullstop


StantonLEGEND you are a disgrace to this site.

Stop playing around with two log-ins and get a life.

That's right.


However has placed a vote in this DICK"S poll has to have a hard look at them self.


I can't cay any moor as i am a twit as per StantonLegend>Fullstop

Soory tweet,oppsy twat>fullStop

Help needed who is "ucks">FuLlStOp

Do i trade GAJ four him?>fUlLsToP