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Started by Hellopplz, January 03, 2011, 07:25:12 PM

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Justin Bieber

roo boys!


Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
And we've spoken our last word,
Peace be with you Qernie,
FanFooty's favourite bird.

Very sad to hear it HP  :'(

*FYI - check out Simpson & Day - Field Guide to the Birds of Australia (we've got the 8th edition) for future references and help as you are most certainly an avid bird lover, kudos mate.


sad to here hp  :'(  but at least u did all u can which u can be proud about

Justin Bieber

Thanks again you guys. Indeed he did come into our hearts, even if it was just for an evening.

Did you come up with that poem yourself McRooster? It's quite good and peaceful.

Will keep an eye out for the book if I ever come into some money ;). Cheers.


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 04, 2011, 09:50:54 PM
Thanks again you guys. Indeed he did come into our hearts, even if it was just for an evening.

Did you come up with that poem yourself McRooster? It's quite good and peaceful.

Will keep an eye out for the book if I ever come into some money ;). Cheers.
It's one I have memorised due to the nature of what I'm involved with and is very close to me.
The author is actually unknown and I've adapted it to suit (you'll see many lines there I've recently PM'd you about regarding direction-I think it was the one about my cousin etc.)
There's actually no price on the sleeve or inside cover but is published by Penguin Viking, maybe you could get it at the library.

Justin Bieber

I'll have to check it out next time I go to the local library (which I haven't been to in years).

It's a nice poem and you can claim it as your own if used often enough ;). You already know all the words which seems great with the work you do :D.

roo boys!

Well I'd assume he'd excell at his job so knowig all the words is key ;)


amazing stuff gentleman


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 04, 2011, 10:07:04 PM
I'll have to check it out next time I go to the local library (which I haven't been to in years).

It's a nice poem and you can claim it as your own if used often enough ;). You already know all the words which seems great with the work you do :D.
The Little Wattlebird is on pg. 194  ;)

I'd never claim work that is not mine as my own HP, doesn't sit well with me. My hope with this one is that I don't get to say it very often  :)

Justin Bieber

Again, Inspirational words McR. I hope you don't have to say it often either. Must be heartbreaking when you do :(.


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 05, 2011, 01:35:46 PM
Again, Inspirational words McR. I hope you don't have to say it often either. Must be heartbreaking when you do :(.
My biggest struggle comes not in the moment but sometimes years later when I reflect,(usually a birthday or day of departure) then I try and focus on something good that I shared with that person and use it to pump up my own tyres.
I suppose that's why I'm a succesfull manager in a way, I have the focussed heart and strength to help others with their job or illness but when I remember what it's like to be sick or struggle myself I do have a quiet cry now and then to myself and family. :'(

I then suck it up and utter aloud that 'real men don't eat quiche'. :D

Justin Bieber

I've had those moments also :(.

The best way to deal with grief is thinking of the happy times spent together. That I've got to agree with. Even when people are ill, thinking of the good times is better than looking at the bad.

roo boys!

I remember when my uncle passed away just over 2 year ago now out of a heart attack from no-where, I was just in shock at the time, and then a week or so later it really kicked in that I would never see him again, that was the hardest time.


I just read this now and that is truly inspirational HP.

You saved that bird from a certain death and gave it an extra shot.

That's the sorta guy I wanna be.

R.I.P Qernie.

P.S HP did RSPCA ever respond to your call?