Personality Of The Year 2011: The Elxam Awards

Started by Hellopplz, January 02, 2011, 12:30:40 AM

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Roost, it's those sort of inspirational posts of yours that is making people vote for you (me included).

Justin Bieber

Quote from: MajorLazer on January 02, 2011, 01:02:42 AM
Roost, it's those sort of inspirational posts of yours that is making people vote for you (me included).
Indeed. Always quality McR :). And that's why so many will vote for you I'm sure.


Quote from: Hellopplz on January 02, 2011, 01:04:58 AM
Quote from: MajorLazer on January 02, 2011, 01:02:42 AM
Roost, it's those sort of inspirational posts of yours that is making people vote for you (me included).
Indeed. Always quality McR :). And that's why so many will vote for you I'm sure.

my reason as well and al the things u said ur self roost


orr all the stuff i wrote in my post :P

that no one has replied too :P



nice post good to know y u nomiated for them ;)

Justin Bieber

Good insight indeed Hilly.

It's alot tougher this year with sooooooo many good users out there contributing everywhere.


Mine is but one voice but with no one listening nothing is heard.

Everyone who reads and listens in here just may have that voice go off in their head that says "my name is........and I can do anything" and that would make me happiest.

Quality input there Hilly, backed it up nicely - really enjoy your passion and hope that I can continue to keep peoples tyres pumped up.


Quote from: HillHero13 on January 02, 2011, 12:42:02 AM
McRooster- My number 1 vote, he is there to help, he encourages you, he keeps you happy, he does not just do that his here for the fantasy side of things, he has a true personality, a unique in my mind and i don't really see anyone like him on here. His in the cricket board quiet often and he has the ability to cheer up anybody on any given day, his not a sore loser when he loses in FTP or whenever, and he has to be one of the most loved on fanfooty. Stay Premium! :P

Master Q- His here, there and everywere. Q organised the AEPL Season for us which is awesome, he organised the Pav World Cup i think, he is in all the club boards in the fantasy boards and when you see all that you wouldn't think he has time to come down to the feedback, front bar, coaches board etc. But yes he does, he is in the front bar mucking around in the coaches board organising things giving some advice that coaches need, then the feedback, his there all the time, his like a 2nd m0nty.

Fletch74- The work fletch does in all boards is amazing, he is in the club boards and is very passionate about Essendon, he sets up most things in the AEPL Season, which he has not even entred a team, he is in the cricket boards helping around there, telling everyone his opinion and has is own opinion, he rarely has the same opinion as anyone else, but most people have the same opinion as him after they read what he says, he is a man of his word.

Alex7089 - As much as i hate to say this :P Alex is one of the most known and liked person on Fanfooty, his on the cricket board all the time he comes down here and often posts his thoughts in the coaches board, and his in the fantasy section most of the time, he has this wierd relationship with RB :P but everyone on Fanfooty loves him. and one of my favorites.

Honorable Mention

Roo Boys!

and a few others..
Hilly awesome write up mate we can all see the effort you put into it great stuff mate ;) and i honestly cannot believe i made ur special mention list

ML thanks for the vote buddy  ;) though i feel there are probably more deserving then me for your 4th vote

the one thing i dislike from this is there are to many worth of a vote from me and i feel really bad for the fact i cannot give them to who i wish..i know we have to draw a line somewhere just saying i was close to not voting from the indecision i had

but i finally did and my votes went to in no particular order

but as i said there was alot more i wish i could of voted for :(


No worries Daz. You are definitely deserving of the vote.


ive based my votes with both unique and bold in mind bcos frankly i enjoy all ur company so this was the best formula for me to justify selecting only 4...

no particular order
:McRooster the voice of the ppl
:Naste the jack nicholson of FF
:BratPack the shaq of FF
:Cruiseon the villain

really if ur on the list ur already a winner  8)                             


my vote has put hello in the lead

honourable mentions to Valkorum and 8-6 Suited

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Marcz on January 02, 2011, 01:36:30 AM
ive based my votes with both unique and bold in mind bcos frankly i enjoy all ur company so this was the best formula for me to justify selecting only 4...

no particular order
:McRooster the voice of the ppl
:Naste the jack nicholson of FF
:BratPack the shaq of FF
:Cruiseon the villain

really if ur on the list ur already a winner  8)                             
I've got to say naste and BP just missed out for me. But there is always time to change ;).

Thanks Cic and hopefully we get plenty of more votes before Year's end and beat last year's total of 105 (starting a few months in).


ok so i voted for:
McR, the quality of your posts is amazing
Hp, if it wasnt for u i wouldnt be here, nuff said.
Alex, the help uve given me with ftp and everything else is great,
and rb, well same as alex always helping me :)
honorable mentions

Barlow 21