Personality Of The Year 2011: The Elxam Awards

Started by Hellopplz, January 02, 2011, 12:30:40 AM

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roo boys!

Well I could go on for hours but honestly..... I can't be bothered :P lol sorry guys.

I voted for Alex (Well, I couldn't not like you said about me :P), for HP (have never ever heard him say anything to upset anyone), Daz (just a top bloke :-*) and Shaggy (what a personality! :))

Master Q

I'm doing shocking compared to last year. Who voted for me? And maybe we should remove m0nty...


I did Q :D
I dunno why you aren't getting votes Q ??? I suppose most don't see the work you do during the season ;)


Quote from: Alex7089 on January 03, 2011, 08:45:22 PM
I did Q :D
I dunno why you aren't getting votes Q ??? I suppose most don't see the work you do during the season ;)
i dunno either  ???

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Master Q on January 03, 2011, 07:11:01 PM
And maybe we should remove m0nty...
I left him out of the last edition and he was one of the first to post in it ;D. Think he's a given but won't garner alot of votes due to him not posting enough *wink *wink *nudge.


Quote from: roo boys! on January 03, 2011, 03:40:21 PM
Well I could go on for hours but honestly..... I can't be bothered :P lol sorry guys.

I voted for Alex (Well, I couldn't not like you said about me :P), for HP (have never ever heard him say anything to upset anyone), Daz (just a top bloke :-*) and Shaggy (what a personality! :))
thanks R&B ;)

roo boys!



Justin Bieber



Hellopplz- Always helpful to new people to the forum, posts a lot, which is always very informative.

Master Q- One of my favourite personalities on here involved in a lot of the forum, Soccer, Cricket and AFL, posts in all gets involved a lot.

ossie85- does a very impressive job with the player profiles on the SC board and all his opinions are of the highest quality.

Junktimer- Probably one of the most helpful guys on the forum, creates a lot of his own stuff.

There was a lot of guys who could have got votes from me

the closest probably being-

Pros, RB, ML and Aidan Blues


Thanks for those who've voted for me, or given me an honourable mention ;)

My votes are going to...

HP - Just about posts in every topic, and will always give an honest and open minded opinion about any topic. The king in terms of posting on FF.

Q - Need some help, Q's your man. Excellent during the footy season for DT/SC assistance. Always happy to create a new topic to get people talking. Does great work across all boards as well.

Ossie - Has a great statistical mind, and always comes up with some fascinating data. has been instrumental in the SC profiles, which are always a great read.

CF - Has been great on the Soccer board. Has been a great help for me in running the AEPL when I was away as well. The first true Soccer coach on FF ;)

Honourable mentions to...

JT - brilliant work with your work on your write up's for SC
Aidans Blues - great write ups in the SC profiles
Hawka - Great passion in what you write in the Cricket and Soccer boards
Roost - Too many votes, just ahd to share them around
m0nty - No need to say anything. he speaks for himself
Pros - The first Coach. The One and Only. No more to be said.
Hilly - Thanks for the kind words earlier ;) Always around and will post across all boards.
Zz - Always around and will post across all boards.
Alex - Always around and will post across all boards. If HP is the king of FF, then Alex is the Queen :D
R&B - Always around and will post across all boards. And R&B is the Jester... ;)
Cruise - Always on the Club boards, and will always give an unbiased opinion about his beloved Pies.... ;)
Valk - Freo mad, but always the first to give updated news for any Freo info. Great help when needed.
naste - Always around and will post across all DT/SC boards. Pity he barracks for Port...

and so forth.... too many to list!!

Justin Bieber

Wow, looks like 4 votes still isn't enough for everybody :-\. But at least they are more important this way ;).

Thanks all who voted for me :).


thanks everyone who voted for me and the honorable mentions  8)

HP has taken the lead.
