rate my new team!

Started by ChrisWog97, December 21, 2010, 03:02:03 PM

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Hi evryone, im new to these forums. dont be scared to give your opinions after all im here to learn.

Backs: Hodge, Goddard, Deledio, Shaw, Adcock, Otten, Heppel 
[ Bench ] Cripps, Mzungu, Richardson

Mids: Abblet, Swan, Bartel, Swallow, Gaff, Conca 
[ Bench ] Wallis, Krakouer, Curnow

Rucks: Jolly, Sandilands
[ Bench ] Mcdonald, Z. Smith

Forwards: Reiwoldt, Didak, Rioli, Hurley, Knights, Petrie, Cook
[ Bench ] Karnezis, N. Abblet, Mc Neil

Thanks Chris  :)


hey chriswog,

not a bad first attempt,  dont think heath shaw will improve on his inconsistant year this year, chris tarrant wont put up big numbers, i think go tarrant to andy otten, and shaw to broughton. also swap cripps for one of the GC rooks, e.g. Toy . 

not a huge fan of the mid pricers, but if you were to go a mid, IMO liam anthony is the best option. maybe downgrade shuey to gaff and smith to david swallow.

good rucks, but i belive you shouldnt wast money on day as a MPP, swap him for mcdonald from melb for the R/F.

Dont think hurley is the best option, with the money you would free up from thee other trades i suggested, upgrade hurley to pavlich. also look to get dion prestia into your team, he's supposed to tear it up this year.


can you rate my team ? http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,23126.0.html



thanks alot for your help Mophead. follow most of your instructions.
couldnt fit in pavlich with the money and dont know were to put in prestia.
ty Chris


Quote from: ChrisWog97 on December 21, 2010, 03:02:03 PM
Hi evryone, im new to these forums. dont be scared to give your opinions after all im here to learn.

BACKS: Luke Hodge, Brenden Goddard, Brett Deleidio, Heath Shaw, Jed Adcock, Andy Otten, Dyson Heppel  [ Bench ] Cripps, Mzungu, Ricahardson

Mids: Abblet, Swan, Bartel, Gaff, Conca,  B. Smith, [ Bench ] Wallis, Krakouer, Curnow

Rucks: Jolly, Sandilands [ Bench ] Mcdonald, Z. Smith

Forwards: Reiwolt, Didak, Rioli Hurley, Knights, Petrie, Cook [ Bench ] Karnezis, N. Abblet, Mc Neil

Thanks Chris  :)
Pretty good team Chris
1.Heath Shaw is a little to incosistent when he is tagged watch nab form maybe consider Bock, Drummond or Hurn

2. Cripps may not get much game time if he doesn't in nab maybe get one of the GC rookies.

3. Make sure Bartel doesn't get tagged in nab if he doesn't then he should be a good pick this year.

4.Wallis may not get much game time at the dogs so maybe downgrade him.

5. Great Rucks.

6. Good forward line but you may want to wait on Hurley to see whether Hird plays him in the back or at CHF if it's CHF he could be a good unique

7. Cook is a Key position player so will probably take time to develop and will score low, i suggest if you downgrade Shaw and Wallis then you could swap Cook for Prestia.



not bad at all

Defnece:great dont see many badpoints
MId:a little risky with 3 playin rookies but it could work
rucks:great combo and bench duo
fwds:all round good but i not sold on hurley

il give it 8.5/10 also


Hey thanks Hawka and MTTY for the advice and rates, i really appreciate it  :D

So many people are telling me to trade Shaw, do you reckon i should get Hurn or Drummond; i don't think i like Bock IMO... But should i keep him for now
If Cripps won't play, who do you reckon will play that i don't have, not necessarily GCU players...
If Bartel does get tagged, who is a better option? Should i keep him for now?
Who do i trade Wallis to?
Should i keep Hurley for now? Otherwise who should i ship him off for?
Are there any alternatives for Cook without needing money?

TY, Chris


keep hurley he is a nice unique IMO.
you will find that ppl will suggest the usual names, but try to keep some uniques after all it is your team.


Quote from: ChrisWog97 on December 21, 2010, 03:02:03 PM
Hi evryone, im new to these forums. dont be scared to give your opinions after all im here to learn.

BACKS: Luke Hodge, Brenden Goddard, Brett Deleidio, Heath Shaw, Jed Adcock, Andy Otten, Dyson Heppel  [ Bench ] Cripps, Mzungu, Ricahardson

Mids: Abblet, Swan, Bartel, Gaff, Conca,  B. Smith, [ Bench ] Wallis, Krakouer, Curnow

Rucks: Jolly, Sandilands [ Bench ] Mcdonald, Z. Smith

Forwards: Reiwolt, Didak, Rioli Hurley, Knights, Petrie, Cook [ Bench ] Karnezis, N. Abblet, Mc Neil

Thanks Chris  :)

hey chris,

backs: not a huge fan of heater shaw, i know your pies man but he is a bit inconsistent IMO and I think Kelly or Drummo is a much better option.  cripps plays for St Kilda and will struggle to break into the Sainters sweet defence, I would get Josh Toy instead.  -1

mids: dont really like bartel, bit inconsistent.  Boyd or A.Swallow is a better option.  Wallis may not get games under Rocket Eade, and Curnow will struggle to break into the Blues' already strong midfield.  The absence of David Swallow will hurt you. -1.5

rucks: No issue.

fwds: not sure about hurley, will probably improve this year but there is better value to be had.  upgrade to a premium or someone cheaper like sidebottom. -0.5

overall, a nice team 7/10

can you rate mine?
