A little different than the norm

Started by Hippo, December 21, 2010, 12:44:51 PM

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As title suggest i have gone a dif approach than most in regards to the mids...
i see the upside as great but is a tad risky but thats half the fun of it imo + only 2 starting rookies.. i have posted another team but wanted to see if peeps think its a smart risk

whats ya think could it pay off?

Hodge, Deledio, Kelly, Broughton, Malceski, Adcock, Mzungu
Toy, Richardson, Howard

Pendlebury, Boyd, Hayes, Ward, Shuey, McLean
X Clarke, C Beams, Krackouer

Sandilands, Petrie
Smith, McCauley

Chapman, Riewoldt, Harvey, Goodes, Sylvia, Knights, Dixon
Weedon, Butcher, Black


I agree that is unique and risky! But Ward, Shuey and McLean :( you'll be laughing if it works, cos I'd guess not all will shine! No probs elsewhere

Like you said though, half the fun!


As you said, it is a risky team; at the moment i would rate it a 9.

Dont see many problems at the back apart from the fact that i dont know much about Howard

As mentioned, the midfield IS different  :o  Everything from Ward down i would reconsider apart from Krackeour in the midfield... It is unique; though i wouldnt be willing to risk that...

you would want Jolly in the rucks but Petrie is ok; dont know much about McCauley

Forwards are decent; try Rioli instead of Goodes; id reconsider Dixon, Black and Weedon..



is a bit risky team, but it could pay off big time,

good backs, dont see much wrong.

Mids are very unique, i personally dont like it, im going with 3 prems and 3 starting rooks. i think you should take advantage of gaff and swallow ect.

rucks sorta need to be a lock and leave combo of sandi and jolly this year. but having petrie in the ruck is ok. broc mccauly wont get games.

fwds ok, go harvey to pav and goodes to cyril

i think you should study up and reconsider most of your bench rookies also.


sorry, bit rough but my opinion.  can you rate my team ? http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,23126.0.html


Thanks guys... yeah generally the feedback i was expecting.

As far as rookie bench players go i will prob change allot with NAB games etc but at this stage just gives me a player to fill the hole/salary gap so i can see what i can work with with the starting 22.

I guess i will write down some of my thinking on why i picked a team dif from the norm (jack shower to do at work atm)

With the 4th ruck spot i will have the cheapest player possable and if he plays or not no big deal as in years gone by i have never traded the 4th ruck nor have they ever made enough money to justify a trade so too me its just a place holder for the year...but you do want one of the benchys playing for obvious reasons.

love Harvey have had him every year and has never really let me down excpet when he was chicken boned.... not his fault..shower happens. Goodes to delicious wouldn't be a bad move have swapped them around a few times.. that could go either way closer to rd 1.

Ward is a speculative pick but in his last 4 games for the season he avg 96 and 2 of those games were in finals which were 88 & 127 and the bonus is they didn't add to his priced avg. If he plays everygame and is only a little more than Swallow then i think he will be a good unique and differ me from the rest of the teams if only in a small way.... wether for the better or worse time would tell.

Shuey will play every game if no more bad luck arises and i see more upside to him than Gaff... he is ready to make a big impact imo and the west seem to think he is the future of there mids... so thats my reasoning for him over Gaff + as with Ward offers the unique factor

NOW by far the hardest choice for me is Swallow or McClean.... think McClean could do a Malceski of 2010 and hit the ball running and feed out to Judd etc and be the hard tackler and in and under Midfielder which is SC gold.... but Swallow could do anything aswell with Abblet in the middle..... massive gamble this one but he could sky rocket in price very quickley. As above i think not many will have him..... NAB will make my decision on this/ i also didne't start with Trengrove or Scully last year and it didn't turn out to be a issue.

thanks again and i understand everything said and i don't dissagree really just though i would share WHY it doesn't have the same rookies everyone has

mophead surely its more than a 6 ;)


backs: dont like malceski, very injury prone and not sure he can back up his heroics this year. I woul prefer to get Drummo.  Not sure about Christian Howard. -1

mids: dont like cal ward.  i would get nathan foley or daniel harris instead. -0.5

rucks: all good.

forwards: boomer is 31.  too old to have starting in your team,  pav is a much better option.  Goodes and Sylvia both inconsistent, rioli and maybe sidebottom is better. watch dixon pre season, not sure about him.   -1
Won't penalise for Sylvia though.

overall a good team, 7.5/10

can you rate mine?
