Draft Style league 2011 SC

Started by DazBurg, December 19, 2010, 01:09:32 PM

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Justin Bieber

Great work again Daz.

Quote from: DazBurg on August 12, 2011, 09:22:46 AM
Hilly's Team
Hilly (C)              - 1,941
BP (VC)              - 2,287
Dylsta                 - 2,314
Hawka26            - 2,369
steven_ora         - 2,257
HTM                  - 2,270
Total = 13,438

CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,219
Roo Boys!           - 2,244
Hellopplz             - 2,259
Purple 77's         - 2,294
Bazinga             - 2,171
Toast                 - 2,214
Total = 13,401

Winner = Hilly's Team 13,438 DEF CF's Titans 13,401
Despite them having Hilly's score, they still came away with the 37 point win :(. Ah well, we'll win when it matters in the finals ;D.

*Peace Out Pplz.


Ossie are we going to rest all our stars for the big finals tilt??

;D ;D


Reckon SR!! This is why I've been scoring below par recently, have been resting the big guns


hmmmm yes, my team had a rest this week, lost 3 of my 5 leagues with a below par 2331 this week  >:(

Thankfully I was top4 in all of them so will have this week for redemption with a few trades up my sleeve!


2495 for the marauders for 1st wk of SC finals - dead rubbers for this event though it seems ...   :(   ;)


Round 21

HillHero3 v Maca24

Hilly's Team
Hilly (C)              - 2,266
BP (VC)              - 2,349
Dylsta                 - 2,387
Hawka26            - 2,414
steven_ora         - 2,511
HTM                  - 2,271

Total = 14,198

Maca's Mob
Maca24(C)          - 2,486
Majorlazer           - 2,426
Dazburg              - 2,333
Antman              - 2,360
JSelwood            - 2,384
Bgt2110              - 2,340

Total = 14,329

Winner = Maca's Mob 14,329 DEF Hilly's Team 14,198

ossie85 v CrowsFan

Ossie's Team
ossie85(C)          - 2,342
Fletch74             - 2,312
pyronerd            - 2,436
Holzman             - 2,473
SydneyRox          - 2,331
Sinclair39            - 2,520

Total = 14,414

CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,198
Roo Boys!           - 2,438
Hellopplz             - 2,411
Purple 77's         - 2,309
Bazinga             - 2,452
Toast                 - 2,456

Total = 14,264

Winner = Ossie's Team 14,414 DEF CF's Titans 14,264

Boomz v Luigi/BB

Boomz Team
Boomz(C)           - 2,252
Alex                   - 2,384
BoredSaint         - 2,404
LiveTheDream    - 1,890
Pothead            - 2,416
Superstar           - 2,140

Total = 13,486

Luigi/BB's Team
BB/Luigi(C)        - 2,524
JunkTimer          - 2,414
Barlow 21          - 2,303
j959                  - 2,495
Tom 15             - 2,266
Freezer              - 2,233

Total = 14,235

Winner = Luigi/BB's Team 14,235 DEF Boomz Team 13,486

Special mention to Ossie's Team the team for highest overall team score for the round

will do the ladder over the weekend fellas ;)


CrowsFan kicking himself! Very nice Sinclair :)

Great work Daz!

Ready to take on Maca in the first qualifying final this week :) Would've been a thriller if we'd played last week


CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,198
Roo Boys!           - 2,438
Hellopplz             - 2,411
Purple 77's         - 2,309
Bazinga             - 2,452
Toast                 - 2,456

Total = 14,264

Lowest score of the team! So sorry guys :(

Justin Bieber

It happens CF :(. Close loss in a fairly large scoring round :-\.

*Peace Out Pplz.


1st Week of Finals

Ossie85 vs Maca24

Ossie's Team
ossie85(C)          - 2,073
Fletch74             - 2,249
pyronerd            - 2,176
Holzman             - 2,174
SydneyRox          - 2,242
Sinclair39            - 2,195

Total = 13,109

Maca's Mob
Maca24(C)          - 2,353
Majorlazer           - 2,260
Dazburg              - 2,182
Antman              - 2,218
JSelwood            - 2,180
Bgt2110              - 2,231

Total = 13,424

Winner = Maca's Mob 13,424 DEF Ossie's Team 13,109

CrowsFan vs HillHero13

CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,163
Roo Boys!           - 2,157
Hellopplz             - 2,287
Purple 77's         - 2,242
Bazinga             - 2,193
Toast                 - 2,258

Total = 13,300

Hilly's Team
Hilly (C)              - 2,200
BP (VC)              - 2,114
Dylsta                 - 2,194
Hawka26            - 2,101
steven_ora         - 2,398
HTM                  - 2,114

Total = 13,121

Winner = CF's Titans 13,300 DEF Hilly's Team 13,121

Special mention to Maca's Mob the team for highest overall team score for the round

so there you have it
Ossie's Team vs Cf's Titans in the prelim this week
Winner to take on the MOB!!!


Shock loss :o Time to lift our game fella's. We can't not miss the GF after dominating all season.


:( Sorry guys, my boys have lost faith in their coach


Now is the time for the Titans to strike! :)


Quote from: ossie85 on August 26, 2011, 09:47:06 AM

:( Sorry guys, my boys have lost faith in their coach

im crippled by injuries a donut for me this week is going to make it hard to post a good score.

Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on August 26, 2011, 12:12:55 PM
Now is the time for the Titans to strike! :)
Perfect time to pounce on the demoralised Ossie's Team :P.