Draft Style league 2011 SC

Started by DazBurg, December 19, 2010, 01:09:32 PM

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2018 thanks gary, last week my sc team beat my Dt by 500 points this week my Dt wins by 250.



CF's Titans
CF - 2,275
RB - 2,005
HP - 2,176
P77 - 1,810
Baz - 1,971
Toast - 2,026

Total - 12,263

Justin Bieber

Captain CF leading the way ;). I'd say not a bad total considering the round :-\.

Score was good for me, boosted me 2k places which I'm happy about :D.

*Peace Out Pplz.


after a  2wk hiatus i'm back but a paltry GAJ/Petrie affected 2097 for micah's marauders for rd16.  :'(



HillHero3 v Maca24

Hilly's Team
Hilly (C)              - 1,938
BP (VC)              - 2,282
Dylsta                 - 1,948
Hawka26            - 1,819
steven_ora         - 2,149
HTM                  - 2,125

Total = 12,261

Maca's Mob
Maca24(C)          - 2,009
Majorlazer           - 2,035
Dazburg              - 2,061
Antman              - 2,048
JSelwood            - 2,136
Bgt2110              - 2,401

Total = 12,690

Winner = Maca's Mob 12,690 DEF Hilly's Team 12,261

ossie85 v CrowsFan

Ossie's Team
ossie85(C)          - 2,162
Fletch74             - 2,185
pyronerd            - 2,114
Holzman             - 2,018
SydneyRox          - 2,181
Sinclair39            - 1,975

Total = 12,635

CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,275
Roo Boys!           - 2,005
Hellopplz             - 2,176
Purple 77's         - 1,810
Bazinga             - 1,971
Toast                 - 2,026

Total = 12,263

Winner = Ossie's Team 12,635 DEF CF's Titans 12,263

Boomz v Luigi/BB

Boomz Team
Boomz(C)           - 2,090
Alex                   - 2,296
BoredSaint         - 2,016
LiveTheDream    - 1,656
Pothead            - 1,987
Superstar           - 1,952

Total = 11,997

Luigi/BB's Team
BB/Luigi(C)        - 2,070
JunkTimer          - 2,261
Barlow 21          - 1,622
j959                  - 2,097
Tom 15             - 1,870
Freezer              - 2,040

Total = 11,960

Winner = Boomz team 11,997 DEF Luigi/BB's Team 11,960

Special mention to Maca's Mob the team for highest overall team score for the round


Nice consistent win over the overhyped Titans... well done guys! Boomz gets another win!!

Awesome stuff btw Daz


Quote from: ossie85 on July 13, 2011, 09:03:47 PM
Nice consistent win over the overhyped Titans... well done guys! Boomz gets another win!!

Awesome stuff btw Daz

thanks Oss

btw i would do a ladder but takes soooo long to add up all the scores
but the short and curly version here

Maca's Mob 12 wins
Ossie's Team 11 wins
CF's Titans 9 wins
Hilly's Team 5 wins
Luigi/BB's Team 5 Wins (put Hilly first cause his recently charged up with victories where as luigi/BB been along time between victory drinks)

Boomz 3 wins (and on the charge at this rate they may not come last but if we had of thought that 6 weeks ago we would of almost laughed)

so Ossie's Team making a 2nd half of the season charge for the flag


ltd still dragging us down but hopefully we don't come last :(


Quote from: ossie85 on July 13, 2011, 09:03:47 PM
Nice consistent win over the overhyped Titans... well done guys! Boomz gets another win!!

Awesome stuff btw Daz
When did we ever overhype ourselves? :P


Quote from: CrowsFan on July 13, 2011, 10:14:03 PM
Quote from: ossie85 on July 13, 2011, 09:03:47 PM
Nice consistent win over the overhyped Titans... well done guys! Boomz gets another win!!

Awesome stuff btw Daz
When did we ever overhype ourselves? :P

think he meant that you were flying at one stage ;)


Tom is normally a deadweight :|


Ossie is our main rival now  8)


Hoping to consolidate top 2 and the double chance :)


2490 for me my forward line let me down this week could have had a huge score everyone of my backs, mids and rucks got 100+ and only 1 forward got 100 but im still happy. Could have been huge this week.