Draft Style league 2011 SC

Started by DazBurg, December 19, 2010, 01:09:32 PM

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Round 8

Boomz v HillHero13

Boomz Team
Boomz(C)           - 2,205
Alex                   - 2,158
BoredSaint         - 1,924
LiveTheDream    - 1,957
Pothead            - 2,094
Superstar           - 1,693

Total = 12,031

Hilly's Team
Hilly (C)              - 1,877
BP (VC)              - 1,872
Dylsta                 - 2,043
Hawka26            - 2,048
steven_ora         - 2,110
HTM                  - 2,006

Total = 11,956

Winner = Boomz Team 12,031 DEF Hilly's Team 11,956

Ossie85 v Maca24

Ossie's Team
ossie85(C)          - 2,121
Fletch74             - 2,120
pyronerd            - 2,019
Holzman             - 1,977
SydneyRox          - 1,928
Sinclair39            - 1,923

Total = 12,088

Maca's Mob
Maca24(C)          - 2,273
Majorlazer           - 2,132
Dazburg              - 2,119
Antman              - 2,037
JSelwood            - 2,159
Bgt2110              - 2,022

Total = 12,742

Winner = Maca's Mob 12,742 DEF Ossie's Team 12,088

Luigi/BB v CrowsFan

Luigi/BB's Team
BB/Luigi(C)        - 2,053
JunkTimer          - 2,012
Barlow 21          - 1,816
j959                  - 2,097
Tom 15             - 2,021
Freezer              - 1,977

Total = 11,976

CF's Titans
CrowsFan (C)      - 2,074
Roo Boys!           - 1,679
Hellopplz             - 1,965
Purple 77's         - 2,104
Bazinga             - 2,091
Toast                 - 2,174

Total - 12,087

Winner = CF's Titans 12,087 DEF Luigi/BB's Team 11,976

Special mention to Boomz team for their first win of the season   ;) :D


Well done Boomz!

Gargh!! 2nd highest scoring team and still lost :( Just like my SC league!

Would have been great if my team had played CrowsFan team though! A 1 point victory :)


Wow even with RB's score the Titans pick up the win. Way to go guys! :)
Third highest score of the round!

roo boys!

Quote from: CrowsFan on May 19, 2011, 04:51:28 PM
Wow even with RB's score the Titans pick up the win. Way to go guys! :)
Third highest score of the round!
Yay! I like the fact that I can score poorly and we will still do well :)


2353 for moreflagsthanfreo. Normally I'd be stoked with that but this week I'm not sure


2480 for me this week, cant believe the scores this round.... if only i had montagna as capt!


Justin Bieber

2450 for me, Career high :). Hopefully I can find more luck with the Titans here as I lost 2 of my leagues with that score :'(. Solid start though with Toasty and I. Also know CF cracked 2500 as well 8).

*Peace Out Pplz.


This is going to be a huge round of scores!

2412 for me


CF's Titans

CF - 2,586
RB - 2,192
HP - 2,450
P77 - 2,327
Baz - 2,431
Toast - 2,353

Total - 14,339

Huge scores all round. Well done Titans!! Would be very surprised if we lost this week  ;D


2400 for me ;D Still lost in 3 of my leagues...

Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on May 23, 2011, 11:38:18 AM
CF's Titans

CF - 2,586
RB - 2,192
HP - 2,450
P77 - 2,327
Baz - 2,431
Toast - 2,353

Total - 14,339

Huge scores all round. Well done Titans!! Would be very surprised if we lost this week  ;D
Poor RB, still scored the lowest, and by quite a bit :P. Ah well, still a greta effort all round and doubt we'll get beaten 8).

*Peace Out Pplz.


Nice round CF - awesome work!!


Quote from: SydneyRox on May 24, 2011, 03:32:47 PM
Nice round CF - awesome work!!
Thanks mate. Was ranked 144th for the week. Best I have ever gone :)


Wow, that is 'rare air'

I was happy with my 514! Never been under 1000 before in SC