Draft Style league 2011 SC

Started by DazBurg, December 19, 2010, 01:09:32 PM

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I looked at his team and he has players such as Puopulo who aren't playing in it. I think he may have just forgotten about it...

roo boys!

He scored 2200 last week didn't he?


Quote from: roo boys! on April 18, 2011, 09:50:39 PM
He scored 2200 last week didn't he?
I wouldn't think so if he is only averaging 1,816 per round...

roo boys!

Oh he got 2095 that week I got the horrible score, because I remember I thought "At least I wouldn't get the lowest score, that would be LiveTheDream, but he got 2095" :'(


Round 4

Boomz v CrowsFan

Boomz team

Boomz(C)           - 2,138
Alex                   - 2,312
BoredSaint         - 2,255
LiveTheDream    - 1,886
Pothead            - 2,042
Superstar           - 2,423

Total = 13,056

CF's Titan's

CF - 2,299
Toast - 2,232
HP - 2,213
RB - 2,211
P77's - 2,364
Baz - 2,063

Total = 13,382

Winner = CF's Titans 13,382 DEF Boomz team 13,056

Luigi/BB v Maca24

Luigi/BB's team

BB/Luigi(C)        - 2,225
JunkTimer          - 2,446
Barlow 21          - 2,182
j959                  - 2,276
Tom 15             - 2,300
Freezer              - 2,190

Total = 13,619

Maca's Mob

Maca - 2,403
Majorlazer - 2,329
JSelwood - 2,318
Dazburg - 2,275
BGT - 2,171
Antman - 1,943

Total score: 13,439

Winner = Luigi/BB's team 13,619 DEF Maca's Mob 13,439

ossie85 v HillHero13

Ossie's team

ossie85(C)          - 1,995
Fletch74             - 2,126
pyronerd            - 2,228
Holzman             - 2,302
SydneyRox          - 2,175
Sinclair39            - 2,116

Total = 12,942

Hilly's team

Hilly (C)              - 2,250
BP (VC)              - 2,260
Dylsta                 - 2,340
Hawka26            - 2,008
steven_ora         - 2,269
HTM                  - 2,169

Total = 13,296

Winnder = Hilly's team 13,296 DEF Ossie's Team 12,942


Brilliant work as per usual DazBurg! A bit worrying for my guys atm, apologies to all!

roo boys!

Perhaps every week the captain's score gets doubled? Just a thought...


Quote from: roo boys! on April 19, 2011, 09:48:08 AM
Perhaps every week the captain's score gets doubled? Just a thought...
If that was the case then we woulod of won by 1pt!  8)


Quote from: Maca24 on April 19, 2011, 12:04:19 PM
Quote from: roo boys! on April 19, 2011, 09:48:08 AM
Perhaps every week the captain's score gets doubled? Just a thought...
If that was the case then we woulod of won by 1pt!  8)
but it ain't and you didn't!   ;D      ;)


Lol after Maca's and ML's score i thought we lost!



Quote from: MajorLazer on April 17, 2011, 09:38:54 PM
Quote from: Maca24 on April 17, 2011, 09:35:30 PM
Quote from: MajorLazer on April 17, 2011, 09:34:16 PM
2329 Maca. ;D
Mob has won already  :-*
The Undefeatable Mob
Maca - 2403
Majorlazer - 2329
We got this. ;D

Quote from: Luigi197 on April 19, 2011, 12:27:08 PM
Lol after Maca's and ML's score i thought we lost!

yeah, there's a saying (probably started by McRooster  ;)) about 'counting your chickens before they've hatched' that would be appropriate in this instance ...  ;)


Quote from: j959 on April 19, 2011, 12:35:18 PM
Quote from: MajorLazer on April 17, 2011, 09:38:54 PM
Quote from: Maca24 on April 17, 2011, 09:35:30 PM
Quote from: MajorLazer on April 17, 2011, 09:34:16 PM
2329 Maca. ;D
Mob has won already  :-*
The Undefeatable Mob
Maca - 2403
Majorlazer - 2329
We got this. ;D

Quote from: Luigi197 on April 19, 2011, 12:27:08 PM
Lol after Maca's and ML's score i thought we lost!

yeah, there's a saying (probably started by McRooster  ;)) about 'counting your chickens before they've hatched' that would be appropriate in this instance ...  ;)
Unfortunately my chickens still haven't hatched. ;)

Well done guys. :)


Well done Titans. Second win in a row takes us to 2 and 1 :)


Dont get to excited boys, Mob still rules  8)
2nd highest score for the round so just unlucky that we were fixtured with Luigis team.


Quote from: CrowsFan on April 19, 2011, 02:15:13 PM
Well done Titans. Second win in a row takes us to 2 and 1 :)
Titans FTW !!

*points to BOOMZ who is sitting in the corner wiping his eyes with a tissue  :P