Draft Style league 2011 SC

Started by DazBurg, December 19, 2010, 01:09:32 PM

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roo boys!

Quote from: Hellopplz on May 24, 2011, 12:46:02 AM
Quote from: CrowsFan on May 23, 2011, 11:38:18 AM
CF's Titans

CF - 2,586
RB - 2,192
HP - 2,450
P77 - 2,327
Baz - 2,431
Toast - 2,353

Total - 14,339

Huge scores all round. Well done Titans!! Would be very surprised if we lost this week  ;D
Poor RB, still scored the lowest, and by quite a bit :P. Ah well, still a greta effort all round and doubt we'll get beaten 8).

*Peace Out Pplz.
You just HAD to point that out didn't you? :P  :P ;)


Round 9

Boomz v CrowsFan

Boomz Team

Boomz(C)           - 2,450
Alex                   - 2,140
BoredSaint         - 2,388
LiveTheDream    - 1,879
Pothead            - 2,113
Superstar           - 2,183

Total = 13,153

CF's Titans

CrowsFan (C)      - 2,586
Roo Boys!           - 2,192
Hellopplz             - 2,450
Purple 77's         - 2,327
Bazinga             - 2,431
Toast                 - 2,353

Total = 14,339

Winner = CF's Titans 14,339 DEF Boomz Team 13,153

Luigi/BB v Maca24

Luigi/BB's Team

BB/Luigi(C)        - 2,425
JunkTimer          - 2,464
Barlow 21          - 2,154
j959                  - 2,358
Tom 15             - 2,276
Freezer              - 2,473

Total = 14,150

Maca's Mob

Maca24(C)          - 2,417
Majorlazer           - 2,420
Dazburg              - 2,168
Antman              - 2,347
JSelwood            - 2,346
Bgt2110              - 2,466

Total = 14,164

Winner = Maca's Mob 14,164 DEF Luigi/BB's Team 14,150

ossie85 v HillHero13

Ossie's Team

ossie85(C)          - 2,412
Fletch74             - 2,400
pyronerd            - 2,258
Holzman             - 2,397
SydneyRox          - 2,480
Sinclair39            - 2,512

Total = 14,459

Hilly's Team

Hilly (C)              - 2,207
BP (VC)              - 2,371
Dylsta                 - 2,370
Hawka26            - 2,389
steven_ora         - 2,352
HTM                  - 2,216

Total = 13,905

Winner = Ossie's Team 14,459 DEF Hilly's Team 13,905

sorry it took so long guys

and sorry to my team mates for my bad score i'll be having another bad week with 2 donuts possibly 3 if buckley doesn't play :'(


Simply outstanding team, we averaged 2410! Sinclair39 VERY, VERY well done


Awesome result :D Well done Sinclair ;)


Wow thought my titans would be top scorers for the round but I guess not.
Well done ossies team for top score ;)


And great stuff by Daz also :)


Nice work Daz.

Good result team Oss!!


great scores guys, i was the weak link, again :P luckily for me we still won :D


Great work Daz, Mob is doing fantastically.


MoreFlagsThanFreo scored 2024 this week. The more "premiums" I bring in the worse my scores get!!! Bloody Adcock!!! Hope everyone else did better

roo boys!




sorry ossie i though i had made this week changes for my SC tema but realised i had only done it for DT so i had 2 donuts and picked swan as captain it cost me 200+ points from what I though I had done. A embarrassingly low 1918 for me.

should be a huge bounce back next week as i will be bringin in Enright, Heppel, Smith and my new draftee Judd and leaving will be 2 donuts, lower and harris


even 2k for me ... can't believe i forgot to edit my team on Fri - left Z Smith on the bench!  :'(