Junktimer's Team V2

Started by Junktimer, December 18, 2010, 06:19:32 PM

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This is my team, would appreciate some comments or feedback, if you rate mine, I will rate yours.

DEF: B. Goddard (M), B. Gibbs (M), B. Deledio (M), G. Broughton, J. Drummond, J. Adcock, A. Otten
EMG: B. Jacobs (M), M. Coad, J. Toy

4 strong premiums, arguably a 5th in Drummo.  Adcock and Otten should be bargains.  Jacobs a gun with MPP bonus, GC defenders should go great.

MID: D. Swan, M. Boyd, M. Pavlich (F), D. Swallow, A. Gaff, D. Heppell (B)
EMG: I. Smith (F), M. Hibberd (B), T. Mzungu (F)

3/0/0/6 pretty standard.  Lots of MPP rookies which is a bonus, however I did not pick them solely for this.

RUC: A. Sandilands, D. Petrie (F)
EMG Z. Smith, J. Jenkins

Very standard.

FWD: N. Riewoldt, L. Franklin, A. Didak (M), C. Rioli, C. Knights, D. Prestia (M), A. Krakouer (M)
EMG: Brandon Matera, J. Darling, C. Richardson

4 strong again, Knights great value, MPP rookies help.

CASH LEFT: $31,700


Defence is very risky but could come off id pefer to see one more solid player with a less of a injury risk
Midfield is decent i like anthony but foley take him but theres a massive risk in taking him.
Rucks are pretty standard, Petrie could be sub tho.  If hes not then hes a good pick up
Forwards are great mainly due to the fact you spent so much on them.  Not sold on Brown maybe better options.  Maybe spend some of this money back on your defence

Overall a very high risk high reward team.  Id like to see one of too of these injury plagued players out.  Good rookies though


Quote from: Knowall on December 18, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Defence is very risky but could come off id pefer to see one more solid player with a less of a injury risk
Midfield is decent i like anthony but foley take him but theres a massive risk in taking him.
Rucks are pretty standard, Petrie could be sub tho.  If hes not then hes a good pick up
Forwards are great mainly due to the fact you spent so much on them.  Not sold on Brown maybe better options.  Maybe spend some of this money back on your defence

Overall a very high risk high reward team.  Id like to see one of too of these injury plagued players out.  Good rookies though

appreciate the advice.
the reason i am so premium heavy in the forwards is i believe that there are no where near as much cheap options in the forwards as there is in defence.

may change foley if he doesnt have a good preseason, if fit though he is very cheap for somebody of his calibre.

ultimately, its all about risks for me! gotta have some fun XD


The backs are a lot weaker than the rest of the team, but could pay off if your forwards fire. I think you should upgrade Adcock as you will have 2 lions in the backline.

Mids look good although you could downgrade one of Anthony or Foley to a rookie to free up money for the Adcock upgrade.

Rucks are the standard ruck combo. Looks fine, although I think Lycett will play more than Derickx.

Forwards almost look too strong. :P
They should be set and forget and not use up many trades.

I like the team. 8.99/10. ;D


thanks major.

yeah adcock isnt very popular, guess i have confidence in him and have always liked him as a player.  if he isnt looking good preseason i will strongly consider doing the downgrade on foley and upgrade on him.


The 2 lions in the backline doesn't back up the decision to have him either.


yeah i know.  just gotta hope everything works out i guess


i actually like this strategy, plenty of good cheap backs this year so you can capitalise on that and lock and leave fowards pretty much.  good use of MPP.

9/10 :)


Quote from: mophead222 on December 18, 2010, 11:25:18 PM
i actually like this strategy, plenty of good cheap backs this year so you can capitalise on that and lock and leave fowards pretty much.  good use of MPP.

9/10 :)

thanks mate. 


returning the favour JT, i'll move onto mopheads next for a rating.
like the fact u have a stratedgy in place in regards to loading forwards and going economical in the backs. gee hasn't everyone been disappointed with adcock since he hit those big scores a few years ago when he got his debut. been injury struck since, but u even stated if they are FIT, they are in. so i won't criticise those picks as they are more or less a 50/50 pending decision anyway. as well as the 2 lions in defence, u also have the 2 hawks in the forwards. but i feel u there its hard to ignore buddy, and cyril has been hyped for a midfield role and looks to be having an non-interupted pre season which i don't think he has had for a while or ever. didak a dam good starter is super consistent, has he had pre season surgery??? shoulder or something? keep an eye out anyway. yea agree with others prob wouldn't start browndawg either

8.5/10   -  if u didn't have 2 hawks and 2 lions on same line would be a 9


thanks torress, hopefully adcock can hold up over pre season


hey JT  :P thanks 4 the rate b4.
think the team loooks good although i did like your old 1 better.
backs: look great very cheap although good. i like adcock to he will have a great year if he can stay away form injury. although i wouldnt be starting 2 brisbane backs.

mids: different setup. chappy and swan are great, gaff and swallow best rookies out. foley im not sold on yet, but wont bag people for having him. and anthony i cant see the point in having, he is coming back from a shoulder re-co and is in an awkward price range. i know he is a good player but he would have2 score 105+ for me to be happy. not worth wasting a trade on him.

: no issues. watch out for petrie though, might be playing deep forward.

forwards: rock solid. perhaps you could even downgrade a premium and put prestia on the field.

JT, ill give it an 8.5


thanks maca would you recommend downgrading anthony to a rookie then upgrading elsewhere?


yes. you could put heppell on field for anthony and upgrade petrie to Jolly.


Hey JT; a fantastic team; i would rate it a 9.5 :D

Strong backs; don't know much about Adcock but you seem to. rest of them is good.
Interesting Midfield approach, though excellent.
With the rucks, wouldn't start with Petrie IMO, despite his price, because has HMAC by his side and there are just better ruckmens out there IMO such as Jolly, Ryder and Jamar.
Fantastic forward line! Only flaw i can find is both Matera and Prestia from GCU; try I.Smith or Butcher instead of Matera IMO...

-0.25 for lack of premiums, but not a mjor problem so only minused that;
-0.25 for Petrie point.
