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Rate team?

Started by mophead222, December 01, 2010, 09:21:34 PM

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no worries. i just think a 4th ruckman is fairly useless, ive never used him. so maybe just use it as mpp. but up2 u  :)


either of them will be the same with the F/R MPP


oh. im sorry haha  :-[ havent been on the fanplanner for a while.
in that case, great work  :)



can more people help me with my team plz


I don't think your mids are strong enough with Pendles, Swallow and Jack. Should get Swan.


you think swan for pendles?

i rekon swan will have a slowish start to this year again, wait till he has 1 or two off games and pick him up for a bargain?


Hey MH222, hows it going?

8.5/10 for me   :)

--I reckon to get a better starting rookie instead of Jacobs,
--Try and downgrade some rookies to better 87k's so u can upgrade Jack or A Swallow to Montags, Judd or Swan, even Ablett...
--Nice rucks!

So maybe change your defence and/or forwards to 1 premium and 2 rookies or the other way around and make smart premium selections; also dont waste money on expensive bench rookies. All of this for extra money to bump and pimp your midfield!

Pleasure, Luigi


I don't think he will get much cheaper then this and it is kind of a sideways trade.


also ML my mids would be fairly unique and its a risk that could pay off big time.

thanks luigi :)


Yer guess so. I'm trying to be unique, but it's hard to do that in the mids and still score well.


i rekon my mid premiums all will score well next year and all have room to grow as they are still developing, so maybe all add +5 to avg


Yer I'm looking at Swallow, but I will most likely get Swan so no Pendles for me. Don't think Jack will improve that much.


i love swallow, and throughout the year pendles was tagged ahead of swanny. but i believe that next year swan will get the tag because of his resounding influence. also the start of the year jack was a run with player, but after rd 15, he averaged 110 when he was release to play his own game


I guess there isn't much between Swan and Pendles. Your choice as it is your team.