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Started by bomberboy0618, November 30, 2010, 05:12:49 PM

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Quote from: roo boys! on December 07, 2010, 10:52:07 PM
Yep and endurance needs work. Strength will improve batting but endurance will improve batting and keeping.
hmmm then i might switch him to fitness then

roo boys!

Yeah fitness trains power as well anyway..


Quote from: valkorum on December 07, 2010, 10:52:46 PM
Quote from: DazBurg on December 07, 2010, 10:50:16 PM
Quote from: roo boys! on December 07, 2010, 10:48:26 PM
Wow nice player Daz, you hve him on fitness/strength training right?
going for a pop in strength ;)
yeah was thinking a pop in field would be good so i might gothat which does also train  endurance as soon as he pops i'll put him on fitness then 8)
I would go fielding/endurance first then go for strength.  Being a keeper he will use more energry during a game.  You dont want him to sit out of games because he is fatigued.


Not with that age. Not worth paying 50k for a player that will play 1-2 seasons max.


Quote from: Alex7089 on December 08, 2010, 10:52:47 PM
Worth the 50k asking price ?

I wouldnt pay $50k for him just cos he is 30.  $20k - $35k sounds more right to me.  But it depends if you are happy to have a 30 year old in your side.... remember skills start to go down from 30

Justin Bieber

Maybe. He's 30 now so will only get worse. Experience and secondaries are great and he'd be the perfect Captain, but he'll only be playing for as long as you want.

Up to you. Won't get any better but is pretty solid for another season or two. I'd look a little younger to get more seasons out of them.


Quote from: Alex7089 on December 08, 2010, 10:52:47 PM
Worth the 50k asking price ?

Simply because he's 30 I'd lean to "No" but if you're lucky he might give you one season


we also must remember that it is random though Valk ;) It is not a gradual deterioration of skills and seeing as plops are very unlikely until 32-33
With that experience and endurance I think I might...

Dunno, might flip a coin...


Quote from: Alex7089 on December 08, 2010, 10:58:34 PM
we also must remember that it is random though Valk ;) It is not a gradual deterioration of skills and seeing as plops are very unlikely until 32-33
With that experience and endurance I think I might...

Dunno, might flip a coin...

I know its not gradual just making sure you have all the facts before you buy :) 


Ah OK, thanks ;)
I will see how I'm feeling come half past 12. He may already have bids in which case I am staying away.


Justin Bieber

I saw him before. I would say yes since you needed a good keeper.

Although, Needs some Power work. But would work him until Expert Batting first. Then maybe work on Keeping or Fielding as both will help his Keeping. Power training whenever you feel fit to do so as he could be a very good complete Keeper-Batsman.

P.S 2k more and I got Allen for that ;). But in this inflation, not bad.


Yer I will be getting batting to expert then working on his keeping. Fielding is ok at capable so keep that for now. He's only 22 and soon he could rival some of the better keepers.

Next season I will start with power.

Justin Bieber

Fielding helps Keeping, so a higher Fielding level is good for Keepers ;).

I'm training Allen until Accomplished Keeping then Power training 8).