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Player Valuations

Started by bomberboy0618, November 30, 2010, 05:12:49 PM

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I'd like Amra but would go beyond what I'm willing to pay.

roo boys!

Really you think he would go high? Bought him for 1k ;D


He is a 20 y.o accom/accom bat, in this market :O

roo boys!

Wow OK will list him soon :)

What starting price?


I have a few 16yr olds who I'm thinking of selling to make some extra $$$

Bryan Dickson - ave/ord batsman with ord power. 20K rating
Kenneth McLaughlin - poor/ave batsman with ave power. 20K rating
Ivan Francois - ord/dre medium bowler with yorker talent. 17K rating

How much am I likely to get from these players if I decide to sell them? Any feedback here would be greatly appreciated  ;)


Dickson - Might get $50k or there abouts.

The other 2 are not open, McLaughlin might get 10-20k based on your info, but Francois might only get 2-5k.


oops sorry fletch ... open now  :P


Actually you might only get at the most 10k for McLaughlin, and I think Francois may only get 1-2k. But who knows in this TM...

Dickson should do ok for you.


Thanks Fletch .. I might put Dickson up and hold on to the others.

Does anyone else out there have any interest in these players?


Can anyone give me a valuation on John Rowley

He finishes in 40 minutes and I just want to know how I should go?


I would stop. Unless you really need him. With that exp at that age there are better out there.
Maybe 1 more bid in this market but :-\


I wanted him for tonight against ML :)



Poor experience Zz, unlikely to, but who knows in this market...


so how much you thinking ?