No Midpricers allow

Started by knightmare, November 28, 2010, 09:39:55 PM

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So im using the fan planner to research my team now and during the nab cub. Im only selecting Rookies and Cheapies. Ill follow them through the nab cup and pre season and come round one ill replace 10-12 of the failures with premium keepers. This is my rookies team atm locks are underlined

Andy Otten   $175,800
Seb Tape   $136,200
Billie Smedts   $128,200
Jamie Cripps   $92,200   
Michael Coad   $84,200   
Karmichael Hunt   $84,200   
Sam Iles   $84,200   
Trent McKenzie   $84,200   
Tendai Mzungu   $84,200   
Daniel Talia   $84,200   

David Swallow   $184,200
Harley Bennell   $180,200
Andrew Gaff   $172,200
Jared Polec   $168,200
Reece Conca   $164,200
Josh Caddy   $160,200
Dyson Heppell   $156,200
Danny Stanley   $92,700
Andrew Krakouer   $84,200

Sam Day      $176,200
Drew Petrie   $172,600
Jamie Charman   $115,600
Zac Smith   $84,200   

Brendan Fevola   $241,000
Chris Knights   $228,300
Ricky Petterd   $196,500
Tom Lynch   $158,300
Dion Prestia   $152,200
Isaac Smith   $112,200
Jed Lamb   $104,200
Jack Darling   $84,200
Charlie Dixon   $84,200
Brandon Matera   $84,200

This is my second year with DT and after some disgraceful trades last year 3 of which include Jared Brennan out in and back out. 2 trades on Setenta in and out, and starts with betts hall shaw tippett fev  :'(. I did suprisingly well. This year im using a rookie/cheapy/premium strat no mid pricers allowed. the theroy is if you cant score 90+ consistantly or you wont grow 100k+ your not good enough to be in my team.

So Big question who have i missed out on?


you will not get anywhere if injury strikes


Is this just a list of who you are looking at getting? or is it your actual team :S


This is just the reseach ill pick 10-12 of the worst performers to replace them with Goddard, hodge, Lake, Hayes, Swan, Bartel, Selwood, Voldt, Brownie, Pav, Goodes, didak.


If ur trying to live up to ur name sake good job... Seriously this won't work...


Cic i just had a look at your team. you have 13 of the rookies im watching and have 8 of the premiums ill be starting with.
Boomz u have 11 same rookies and 5 premiums.

Harsh comments guys for teams that arnt that dissimmilar

Justin Bieber

I get what you are trying to do. This is just the list of the cheapies/rookies that you'll overlook during the preseason. Kinda like everybody else ;). Just that you havem't decided yet on who, Like everybody else :P.

Maybe look to see if you can fit in 14 premiums as it can save trades down the line for less upgrades/downgrades.


Thanks for the advice if i can fit 14 in the salary cap ill definatly go for it. I ran out of trades grandfinal round last year. Im pretty sure i have 9 of the rookies locked in, the ones with the underlines.


Obviously the first three people that replied didn't read your post very carefully... basically you are just doing a pretty typical guns and rookies/cheapies strategy, which is a pretty popular strategy really. I was a follower of the strategy until I saw how many midpricers TAGers started with last year. :P

As HP mentioned, you should be able to fit at least 14 premiums into that team. There really isn't any reason why you should start with a team that leaves more than about $100k in the bank. I did it last year and it really affected my scoring for the first few rounds. This year everyone will have plenty of cash cows in their team because of the three extra bench spots, so I don't think you should be starting too many rookies/cheapies.

My recommendations for change to that 33 (before adding premiums, of course) would be to replace Smedts with Ben Jacobs and McKenzie with Josh Toy. Also, I definitely wouldn't lock in anyone other than Otten and Swallow yet, the other guys you have locked in all have either job security issues, question marks over their DT scoring ability, or both. There are plenty of other rookies and cheapies you should watch in preaseason though (especially in the mids, there are heaps of mids cheaper than Heppell that you need to consider) - you shouldn't really be narrowing down your rookie options this early.

Finally, try to be more disciplined with your trades this year and you should do very well.  :P


so instead of just looking at the players u want youve made a team of them, fair enuf
there are alot of expensive rookies in your mids, do some research as theres some good kids coming thru
i like your style, stay true to the premiums and go with kids, dont believe the hype of players "performing" in preseason training, wait til they actually prove it

Barlow 21

Quote from: Hellopplz on November 29, 2010, 12:36:28 AM
I get what you are trying to do. This is just the list of the cheapies/rookies that you'll overlook during the preseason. Kinda like everybody else ;). Just that you havem't decided yet on who, Like everybody else :P.

Maybe look to see if you can fit in 14 premiums as it can save trades down the line for less upgrades/downgrades.
13-16 Premiums is the go I find. Any less is not enought!


Cheers boys great feed back. So im looking through my midfield rookies and your right there is no point having 2 or 3 150k-200k boys on my bench. Looking through the draft there are only 2 midfielders from 8-38 thats Atley and Wallis. So im adding them whilst i search for the 2nd/3rd year midfielders that are due for a run.

Sam Blease Melbourne, Sam Shaw Adelaide, Shaun Mckernan Adelaide, Steven Motlop Geelong, Clay Beams Brisbane, Andrew Hooper Bulldogs

I still think the mid cheapiest are slim pickings


Quote from: Hellopplz on November 29, 2010, 12:36:28 AM
I get what you are trying to do. This is just the list of the cheapies/rookies that you'll overlook during the preseason. Kinda like everybody else ;). Just that you havem't decided yet on who, Like everybody else :P.

Maybe look to see if you can fit in 14 premiums as it can save trades down the line for less upgrades/downgrades.
yeah, I was just goin to say that it was a very interesting way to construct a team ...

+1 for DT87's comments too.
DT87, you wouldn't add in Petrie (barring any last minute inj) with Otten and Swallow?


Quote from: knightmare on November 29, 2010, 12:26:20 AM
Cic i just had a look at your team. you have 13 of the rookies im watching and have 8 of the premiums ill be starting with.
Boomz u have 11 same rookies and 5 premiums.

Harsh comments guys for teams that arnt that dissimmilar

Yeah well i was under the assumption that would be your team sorry


Quote from: knightmare on November 29, 2010, 05:59:01 PM
Looking through the draft there are only 2 midfielders from 8-38 thats Atley and Wallis.


I still think the mid cheapiest are slim pickings

True, but don't forget the cheap mids from GC - they have the best job security. I'm currently thinking Atley, Luke Parker and Maverick Weller sounds like a good mid bench.

Also, I agree that Petrie should be locked in barring injury.