Soccer Manager - FanFooty Cup

Started by Hellopplz, October 27, 2010, 07:07:45 PM

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that's why you shouldn't withdraw your offer, besides, i might aswel keep him, don't really want to sell him, the offer from CF just made me think alot. great offer.


nah i thought bout it and put thesame offer back in :)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on April 02, 2011, 12:32:52 PM
Haha sshhh HP ;)
And you don't want to sell any of your players :P. Or you set your price too high!!!



Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on April 02, 2011, 05:14:29 PM
I sold you Vucinic :P
Well because I offered "too much to refuse" in your opinion :P.


hopefully hilly lets me have Ronaldo and not u CF :P just cos of the reason of you having such a good team ahah


or maybe i should just keep him for myself?


but hes injured... so u will need another player ;) and with all that extra cash u could buy anyone :P


But you said you would accept the best offer. I am offering 40 odd million plus Ibrahimovic. Ronaldo wont even be able to play for the next 8 league games at least due to injury so during that time you will be able to play a 96 rated player.
I would say that is actually a very good offer


Quote from: CrowsFan on April 02, 2011, 06:52:39 PM
But you said you would accept the best offer. I am offering 40 odd million plus Ibrahimovic. Ronaldo wont even be able to play for the next 8 league games at least due to injury so during that time you will be able to play a 96 rated player.
I would say that is actually a very good offer

Wow that is an awesome offer for Hilly, +1

tho i wouldnt offer that much CF, you must be pretty confident about your place in the league


Luigi, its just that hes already got Villa and Messi up forward so losing Ibra wont mean that much to him plus then hel have Ronaldo on the wing, meaning he has the two best players in the game


Remember what I have said though. I am making a major push for the title this season. If I don't win I will sell all my good players to the others in the game ;)
Yes that's right I will sell Messi, I will sell Xavi, the whole lot will be out the door! ;D


sounds good u will make a shower load of cash if u do that CF ;D


Haha yeah i should do haha. The plan would be to then bring in heaps of youngsters who I think will increase their ratings and become stars 8)