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NBA Season 2010-2011

Started by Andrew3737, October 27, 2010, 10:44:57 AM

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this finals series confirms the Lebron - Jordan comparison is now forever invalid, MJ would never have gone missing in the 4th quarter of a finals game
especially facing elimination and on home court



 ??? who cares about comparisons...

they came together to win championships and in their first year made the finals...

there is more gelling to be did and The Heat will get better :-X


Everyone expected us to challenge the record of the Bulls for best ever record this season as well (72 -10)

It has only been the media and those outside of Miami that expected them to win the championship this year.....

You don't sign guys on 6 year contracts to get instant results...

They very nearly did and Pat Riley and Eric Spolestra should be congratulated for the way they have conducted business over the last 12 months....

but because we got to the championship series and lost the doomsayers are out in force saying that we suck....


Lol LeBron quits in the 4th.

Maybe if the Heat focused on there game instead of faking to be sick they might of won.

And CJ Wade and LeBron came out and said they were going to win 5 championships they have brought all this on themselves.


Bosh Wade and Lebron can still win 5 championships together they are all on 6 year contracts from last season.....


this is my main concern, i am not convinced they know why they lost :-X


Quote from: Marcz on June 13, 2011, 11:30:56 PM
??? who cares about comparisons...

they came together to win championships and in their first year made the finals...

there is more gelling to be did and The Heat will get better :-X

i dont think not gelling is the problem, they have done that
the problem is they are too inconsistent, it seems very rare that all 3 show up to play each night

also its not clear cut for them to dominate in future seasons, i think the bulls will still be able to challenge them next if not perform better
and teams like the Thunder and Grizzlies are really improving

will be interesting to see where Dwight goes though, could shake things up quite a bit


Quote from: Marcz on June 13, 2011, 11:30:56 PM
??? who cares about comparisons...

they came together to win championships and in their first year made the finals...

there is more gelling to be did and The Heat will get better :-X

Current Boston Big 3 won during their first year together. Btw just wanted to say you have been really classy Marcz about the defeat  8).

Quote from: Cicjose on June 14, 2011, 12:30:01 AM
Everyone expected us to challenge the record of the Bulls for best ever record this season as well (72 -10)

It has only been the media and those outside of Miami that expected them to win the championship this year.....

You don't sign guys on 6 year contracts to get instant results...

They very nearly did and Pat Riley and Eric Spolestra should be congratulated for the way they have conducted business over the last 12 months....

but because we got to the championship series and lost the doomsayers are out in force saying that we suck....

So are you saying LeBron and co quit the instant they joined Heat cause they knew they weren't going to win a championship in first year? If I signed 3 MAX free agents (2 of which are arguably the best individual players), I would expect results every year. If you spent so much money at once. For example, in soccer, Real Madrid bought Kaka and Ronaldo for around 140million pounds. Do you thinking the board were like let's wait a few years for them to gel because after spending so much money results don't really matter atm. Not to mention Lebron's big announcement and the WWE style presentation they had of their Big 3 (although I admit it was kinda cool). Also, I am pretty sure it was LeBron and Miami who set the bar that high by saying they were gonna win 7 or 8 rings. They signed 6 year contracts so of course you expected to start this year right? Wade isn't getting younger either. IMO, Miami would have expected themselves to win this year or at least they knew they were a chance.

Sure they needed time to gel, but they got it going just before the playoffs and really turned it on against the Celtics and Bulls didn't they? You can't say that they were never expected to win. You got 2 top 5 players in the league. 3 top 20 players in the league. You made the Finals. You had Home Court. They were favorites based on their performances leading towards the Finals, no longer was it people's expectations (at the beginning of the season). After performances against the Bulls and Celtics, Riley would have expected the Heat to win. Did Riley tell Spolestra to stop playing because Miami management's assessment of the team at the beginning of the season was that they weren't gonna win?

It's pretty disrespectful to the Mavs by saying they basically won because the Heat were never gonna win in their first year together as a Big 3. Mavs were the underdogs of this series not the Heat. Heat were expected to win and were favorites. Just because the Heat lost, how does that suddenly make them underdogs this whole time because apparently now they weren't actually expected to win? I am sure if the Heat had won, all this "we were never gonna win would have been swept under the carpet" and the Heat would be like yeah man we knew for sure that Heat were gonna come through.

Final thought: Riley is gonna come back and coach next year.

Sorry for this massive rant lol.


Quote from: patt-os on June 14, 2011, 03:46:33 AM
Quote from: Marcz on June 13, 2011, 11:30:56 PM
??? who cares about comparisons...

they came together to win championships and in their first year made the finals...

there is more gelling to be did and The Heat will get better :-X

i dont think not gelling is the problem, they have done that
the problem is they are too inconsistent, it seems very rare that all 3 show up to play each night

also its not clear cut for them to dominate in future seasons, i think the bulls will still be able to challenge them next if not perform better
and teams like the Thunder and Grizzlies are really improving

will be interesting to see where Dwight goes though, could shake things up quite a bit

If CP3 goes to NYK, their big 3 are gonna be more impressive IMO. A pure point guard, a pure scorer and Amare is better than Bosh.


And 3 players that don't even go together.

Hulmie's statements, to this day, are the most retarded things I have ever heard. It beats the Kobe>Shaq statement hands down.

8-6 Suited

Really? Because that was pretty epic Andrew.

I called a 4-2 win by the Mavs, and it was confirmed. I do however wish it went to a 7th.


Well, Kobe>Shaq is quite lol, Hulmies is even loler.


Cheers BM 8)

sorry to clarify my 'gelling' statement, as a fan the shot selection drove me batshower, while they made their fair share and its exciting its not a way to win games over the duration, they default to xbox plays all too often instead of working the ball to find the open shot bcos there is a lack of understanding within the group of how best to utilize their abilities, so instead of complimenting each other its more so a here u go its ur turn...

I think the real issue lies between the big two stars, can they be honest enough with each other to say making the finals was a direct reflection of our talent not our ability to work collectively as a team, this year didnt work bcos our ego's held us back in what this team can achieve, we need to define our roles to better compliment each other.

As a Dad thats used to pep talks and discipline on a daily basis i wanted to pull them aside and talk to them ;D (yeah ino they wouldnt listen) but if its not addressed it breeds descent, what was really concerning is once the reality of losing set in none of these 2 wanted to take shots and continued to pass as if u shoot it it wont be my fault... while they r good mates i think they may well be guilty of not being totally honest with each other as to where its at and what needs to be done, i hope this loss burns and gets their minds into gear but the more i listen to them talk the more i dont think they can see or wont hear what most others can due to their relationship and or ego's.

For the record i think Spo is a good coach but with huge star power there is always the what did u ever do on the basketball court school of thought, stars need a peer they look up too so they absolutely trust in what the coach says and thus commit to the team, u can see it in the locker room snippets when he is addressing them that the stars havent bought in... so in a way i agree with u BM but will it be Riley? or could it be someone else  who is out of contract that can command that sort of respect with what he has accomplished :-X


Lol at u Andre u think your 1 big basketball expert when u use 1 site to judge how good a player is. Have you watched any of the playoffs???.

LeBron had 4 games in the playoffs where he had great 4th quarter performances the rest of those games in the Boston, Chicago series were a team effort no 1 player dominated. And in the Finals series LeBron basically gave up from game 3 onwards didn't play with nearly enough passion for someone who was so close to winning a championship.