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NBA Season 2010-2011

Started by Andrew3737, October 27, 2010, 10:44:57 AM

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Mavs played good interior defence. They know Miami aren't a jump shooting side. They are so one dimensional it isn't funny. When a team is getting blocked out of the paint, they use shooters off their bench/wings to destroy them. Miami just don't have that. They have Miller and House, who are decent players but just aren't used enough. Miami need to know the definition of Insane. Doing something over and over and over again, and expecting a different result. That's what they did all final series.

All great championship/Contending sides can adjust to different types of defence. Boston can with KG, PP34, Ray Ray and Rondo. Chicago can with Rose, who is a triple threat, Boozer, Deng and Noah. LA with Artest, Kobe, Bynum and Gasol. Miami only have the driving of LeBron and Wade. LeBron on so many occasions draws the double team through a drive and dishes it out for an open jumper only for them to brick it. They need that one piece. Get rid of Bosh and put in a either a big that can D, or a Big that has a 3 in his shooting range.

If you put a big with some D, you add low post as well. Miami only have high post in Bosh who has been terrible anyway. You add a above average low post player, this team would be far better off. Add a 3pt SG/SF to the team, this team will be far better off. Reminds me so much of Arsenal. Smashes the small teams, but can't really do anything against the big boys. Getting Bosh was the biggest mistake ever. Getting a high post big with no 3pt range is just lol when you have 2 players already that love to drive and attack the basket. You are going to have at least 1 player at all times free round the 3pt arc when LeBron or Wade drives. Bosh will always be guarded.

Oh well, better luck next year Miami.


I have feeling Pat Riley might come in next season. Remember when the Heat were first built and they started off shaky, there were heaps of rumors of Riley waiting to take over. Riley is a proven coach (that's not to say Spol isn't but atm the CV doesn't compare) but more importantly IMO is that Riley probably felt it was him who built the team and that the Heat is his team. I am pretty sure that Riley probably has some sort of say in the coaching of the Heat behind the scenes (his always taking notes in games or use to anyways). I say if they leave Spol to coach again, it has to be a championship or he goes. Riley probably be waiting, ready to take over if he needs to.

I am not sure which coaches are out of contract that might go to the Heat. Maybe Phil Jackson faked his retirement so that he could coach another dynasty? Other name I can think of is Rick Adelman who was the Rockets. He took the Kings to the conference finals back in like 2001 only to lose to the Lakers in questionable circumstances   :-\.

I don't think it will get easier for the Heat. Players wanna form their own Big 3 (or solid Big 2) now after seeing what Wade, Lebron and Bosh did. Also, it seems more likely they will end up in Eastern Conference teams NJN, NYK and Orlando. We've already seen D Will and Melo go from the West to the East. CP3 is probably the next one.


yeah i was implying Phil ;D it wont happen but that would be 8)

being that Spo comes from Pat's stable of coaching and Pat is always around...

i cant see what else he can offer other than sitting on the bench as he will be delivering a similar message and coaching style :-\

this article is fairly damning and speculative but its already stimulating my interest in next season :)


I think a good move for the Heat would be a trade with the Pistons. Along the lines of.

C.Bosh, M.Miller for R.Hamilton, C.Villanueva, B.Wallace.

Now i know Villanueva is a crab but he does shoot the 3 well and would spread the floor, Rip would give the heat that outside threat aswell and he is still a decent defender also adding big Ben would add a strong defender in the Post.

It helps Detroit aswell gaining Bosh to play alongside Monroe.

Detroit would almost certainly be willing to do this trade the trade works on the trade machine and i think it would help Miami in many ways.


Quote from: Hulmie on June 14, 2011, 02:08:00 PM
I think a good move for the Heat would be a trade with the Pistons. Along the lines of.

C.Bosh, M.Miller for R.Hamilton, C.Villanueva, B.Wallace.

Now i know Villanueva is a crab but he does shoot the 3 well and would spread the floor, Rip would give the heat that outside threat aswell and he is still a decent defender also adding big Ben would add a strong defender in the Post.


for starters Rip is a poor mans Ray Allen with no D and no 3...

and im not even going to validate the other 2 Gz...

is it at all possible u r Terry Wallace Hulmie ;D

just jokes seriously those moves r not helping anyone but Detroit...


Why would you get guys who are @ the end of their careers to create a dynasty with a 27 year old in his prime, best player in the league and a 29 year old in his prime, top 5 player in the league? Makes 0 sense, even if it fits the gameplan, it doesn't fit the overall blue print.


Sorry i forgot to add the 8th pick in there aswell.

With the 8th pick you also have the option of drafting 1 of 3 Bigs who i think would suit Miami's play alot better than Bosh's.

J.Valanciunas 6'11 Lituania - A good young player from Lithuania who shoots the ball very well but can also bang in the paint when needed not the besst defender but not the worst.

D.Motiejunas 7'0 Lithuania - The other big from Lithuania shoots the ball better than Valanciunas but not as effective in the paint runs the floor well.

M.Morris 6'10 Kansas  - The player i think would fit Miami best a strong bodied 21 year old who can bang in the paint extremely well shot the 3 at 42% through college runs the floor well good inside Defender and rebounds the ball well.

With Rip yes i no he is getting near the end of his career but the bloke is a good Jump shooter who can find his own shot plays very well off the ball on Offence and creates space to get his shot off, Also he only has 2 years left on his contract so if it doesn't work out the best in his 1st year he still gains you alot of the value in is 2nd year because of his Expiring contract so he becomes a valuable trading chip.

Villanueva very good shooting big who spreads the floor for you simple as that it Fits with Wade and LeBron.

Big Ben gives you that tough defensive inside presence for a tiny price.

Plus Bosh quite simply just doesn't fit there style of play and is quickly becoming just a role player with little influence.


Quote from: BlackMamba on June 14, 2011, 03:51:45 AM
Quote from: Marcz on June 13, 2011, 11:30:56 PM
??? who cares about comparisons...

they came together to win championships and in their first year made the finals...

there is more gelling to be did and The Heat will get better :-X

Current Boston Big 3 won during their first year together. Btw just wanted to say you have been really classy Marcz about the defeat  8).

Quote from: Cicjose on June 14, 2011, 12:30:01 AM
Everyone expected us to challenge the record of the Bulls for best ever record this season as well (72 -10)

It has only been the media and those outside of Miami that expected them to win the championship this year.....

You don't sign guys on 6 year contracts to get instant results...

They very nearly did and Pat Riley and Eric Spolestra should be congratulated for the way they have conducted business over the last 12 months....

but because we got to the championship series and lost the doomsayers are out in force saying that we suck....

So are you saying LeBron and co quit the instant they joined Heat cause they knew they weren't going to win a championship in first year? If I signed 3 MAX free agents (2 of which are arguably the best individual players), I would expect results every year. If you spent so much money at once. For example, in soccer, Real Madrid bought Kaka and Ronaldo for around 140million pounds. Do you thinking the board were like let's wait a few years for them to gel because after spending so much money results don't really matter atm. Not to mention Lebron's big announcement and the WWE style presentation they had of their Big 3 (although I admit it was kinda cool). Also, I am pretty sure it was LeBron and Miami who set the bar that high by saying they were gonna win 7 or 8 rings. They signed 6 year contracts so of course you expected to start this year right? Wade isn't getting younger either. IMO, Miami would have expected themselves to win this year or at least they knew they were a chance.

Sure they needed time to gel, but they got it going just before the playoffs and really turned it on against the Celtics and Bulls didn't they? You can't say that they were never expected to win. You got 2 top 5 players in the league. 3 top 20 players in the league. You made the Finals. You had Home Court. They were favorites based on their performances leading towards the Finals, no longer was it people's expectations (at the beginning of the season). After performances against the Bulls and Celtics, Riley would have expected the Heat to win. Did Riley tell Spolestra to stop playing because Miami management's assessment of the team at the beginning of the season was that they weren't gonna win?

It's pretty disrespectful to the Mavs by saying they basically won because the Heat were never gonna win in their first year together as a Big 3. Mavs were the underdogs of this series not the Heat. Heat were expected to win and were favorites. Just because the Heat lost, how does that suddenly make them underdogs this whole time because apparently now they weren't actually expected to win? I am sure if the Heat had won, all this "we were never gonna win would have been swept under the carpet" and the Heat would be like yeah man we knew for sure that Heat were gonna come through.

Final thought: Riley is gonna come back and coach next year.

Sorry for this massive rant lol.

I never expected them to win in the first year you don't sign guys on 6 year contracts and expect them to win first up.... well, I never did, but i'm disappointed that having got that far that they didn't win...

However we know that they are good enough to get there.. if they play better next year there is no reason why they can't win next season.... then the pressure will be on to maintain that level for the rest of their contracts......

Next year i would hope Miami win the championship then back it up by going for the best home and away record ever (72-10) and then try and win more titles as each season progresses.....


I don't think they needed Bosh really......

Kinda of Awkward with him there as well.......But that's just me...


tbh Hulmie we already have a Ben Wallace in Joel Anthony and he is younger and more durable im not comparing primes bcos Ben was amazing, im talking right now and Ben's body is failing him he can hardly string 10 games together without needing a rest and its a temporary fix which isnt what The Heat r looking for...


Quote from: BlackMamba on June 14, 2011, 01:19:47 PM
I am not sure which coaches are out of contract that might go to the Heat. Maybe Phil Jackson faked his retirement so that he could coach another dynasty? Other name I can think of is Rick Adelman who was the Rockets. He took the Kings to the conference finals back in like 2001 only to lose to the Lakers in questionable circumstances   :-\.

Please dont remind me :(

8-6 Suited

Charles Barkley: I spoke to Lebron after game 6 and asked him if he had change for a dollar.. He gave me 75 cents and when I asked him what's up he said that he didn't have a fourth quarter


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 15, 2011, 08:30:49 PM
Charles Barkley: I spoke to Lebron after game 6 and asked him if he had change for a dollar.. He gave me 75 cents and when I asked him what's up he said that he didn't have a fourth quarter
So true.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 15, 2011, 08:30:49 PM
Charles Barkley: I spoke to Lebron after game 6 and asked him if he had change for a dollar.. He gave me 75 cents and when I asked him what's up he said that he didn't have a fourth quarter

Nice.... Truth Hurts