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NBA Season 2010-2011

Started by Andrew3737, October 27, 2010, 10:44:57 AM

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Nah James just can't score in pressure situations stats prove that whether you like it or not. It's why James isn't even in the same league as your MJ, bird's, Magic, Kobe they perform when the pressure is on James can't.


Bosh is playing better than both Wade and James in the playoff's they need to keep giving him the ball.


lol are you joking me. 2 games = better?

First thing you need to learn about stats is sample size.

If you flip a coin 10 times and it comes 7 heads 3 tails I guess that means 70%  chance of it being heads and 30% chance of it being tails every time right??


First off his 19% shooting in the playoff clutch is over his whole career. You always ignore the one thing about clutch shots and that's pressure it's a variable, taking a shot in the first quarter when the scores are 12-14 is an easier shot then when the scores are 86-89 with 2 seconds left in the fourth quarter because of pressure. Its like taking shots in practice you can make 90% of your jumpshots in practice but soon as your told if you miss this shot the whole team has to do 20 laps around the gym, the shot then becomes harder and suddenly you only start making 80% of your shots when your in that situation, where as your stars will still be making 90% of those shots. Clutch shooting is the difference between great players and stars.


Quote from: Hulmie on April 20, 2011, 12:32:13 PM
First off his 19% shooting in the playoff clutch is over his whole career. You always ignore the one thing about clutch shots and that's pressure it's a variable, taking a shot in the first quarter when the scores are 12-14 is an easier shot then when the scores are 86-89 with 2 seconds left in the fourth quarter because of pressure. Its like taking shots in practice you can make 90% of your jumpshots in practice but soon as your told if you miss this shot the whole team has to do 20 laps around the gym, the shot then becomes harder and suddenly you only start making 80% of your shots when your in that situation, where as your stars will still be making 90% of those shots. Clutch shooting is the difference between great players and stars.


Again, first thing you need to know about stats is if the sample size is not big enough, they aren't dependent enough.


They did a survey of NBA players on which player they would want shooting with the game on the line.

Kobe 74%
Durant 8%
Wade 3%
Nowitzki/Aleen 2%

NBA players don't even rate LeBron in the clutch.


To say that clutch shooting doesn't mean anything just shows your own ignorance and lack of knowledge in the game.


It's simple statistical knowledge. You need a big enough sample size. I've done this @ uni and my whole life through my living. If you don't have a big enough sample size, you can say goodbye to anything you want to try to argue or prove.


Quote from: Hulmie on April 20, 2011, 01:20:43 PM
They did a survey of NBA players on which player they would want shooting with the game on the line.

Kobe 74%
Durant 8%
Wade 3%
Nowitzki/Aleen 2%

NBA players don't even rate LeBron in the clutch.

Quite funny because they are all better shooters then LeBron anyway. Clutch would have nothing to do with it.


Yes i and i have lived and breathed basketball for my whole life and if you are saying clutch shooting means nothing in the game of basketball you have nothing to argue, because it is such an important part of the game. To base things on pure statistics is complete ignorance.


You are the one showing statistics, not me. I'm saying, the statistics that you are showing to prove your point are invalid. So you have nothing but your, dare I say it, opinion.


Yes but what your saying is say a player goes 5/50 shots in the clutch and over the season the player goes 850/2000 you won't say that player has chocked in the clutch because he has shot 0.427 combined. Even though he has gone .100 when it comes to clutch shooting.


Sigh. You obviously have no knowledge for sample size. Esp when u say they should give it to bosh instead of lbj or wade.


But whatever, done with this stupid argument.


Sample size is basically you get a more accurate result for the more test's taken.

So you will get a more accurate result if you take your statistics from 2000 shots over 1000.