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Pops and plops

Started by bomberboy0618, October 21, 2010, 05:20:47 PM

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Nice to know that everyone is going forwards in leaps and bounds


you wont cic unless you ditch the useless players and upgrade your playing ranks


if i could afford to do it i would


you will be able to next week with less players in your squad and cut your academy investments down cic. dont need that atm.


when's end of season?


9 weeks away or something like that


8 but close enough :P


8 and a half, and then you round up :P


going by games to play its actually 8 and 1/3, which is rounded down :P


More like 8 anda  quarter we play our 6th game tonight (will be in all formats) in a 14 week season and I think the updates occur on the Sunday so nyah. :P


Well in a week you can play 5 games. So far we have played 2 so more than half the week left so round up :P


Austin Collins - Fielding - Capable --> Reliable
Devila Daryapurkar - Power - Expert --> Outstanding
Peter Jackson - Technique - Accomplished --> Expert
Alex Linton - Endurance - Reasonable --> Capable
Graeme Vint - Endurance - Reasonable --> Capable

Lovely. Very happy with all pops especially Jackson and Collins :)

Master Q

04 May 2011   Richard Reid   Power   outstanding   spectacular
04 May 2011   Richard Reid   Endurance   spectacular   outstanding
04 May 2011   Keith Franco   Batting   average   reasonable
04 May 2011   Roland Affonso   Technique   accomplished   expert

A pop and a plop for Reid  :P Nice pop for backup keeper Franco - he needs to go soon.

And Affonso pops! The 22 yo is coming along nicely. Think that puts him in front of Alleyne.

8-6 Suited

05 May 2011   Dhiresa Paritosh   Bowling   outstanding   expert
05 May 2011   Shaggy Rogers   Endurance   accomplished   expert
05 May 2011   Matthew Pretty   Fielding   average   reasonable

Paritosh the ancient 31yo barbie plopped. :P Damn you Paritosh!

Master Q