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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Probably. He could turn in to a very nice keeper/batsmen for someone


should i set a reserve for him at 50K and hope for a bidding war?

he is clearly my best ever pull so i expect more than 128K.......


I would just set at 0 and see what happens. More people get interested when they see it starting at 0 than if there is a reserve price ;)


okay i will be slightly disappointed tho if he fails to reach 130K


His technique is far to low to turn into a good keeper batsman


17 years old | 14,791 rating | $590 wage

The only good thing about my YP was his name.... Fish Jones :)



Quote from: Fletch74 on February 28, 2012, 07:45:50 AM
17 years old | 14,791 rating | $590 wage

The only good thing about my YP was his name.... Fish Jones :)

My YP had the same thing going for him..... Gladstone Stone




01 Mar 12 01:55   Sold Matthew Willis to Hoarders CC for $415,779

My affiliates YP sold for over 400k which I am happy with. Gives me 1.8m sitting there now. Only 2 mill to go.

Quote from: Fletch74 on February 27, 2012, 02:08:05 PM
Nice YP Shaggy ;)

Here is my affiliate's pull from today...

Pretty happy - ord/ord FM with avg power and 4.2k in spare ratings. On TM

01 Mar 12 02:10   Bought Collie Hunte from Blood Orange for $45,832

He's  mine now. :P


Nice buy Shaggy :)

Have almost $800k in my affiliate funds now. Just saving up for season 18 spending.


Quote from: Shaggy on March 01, 2012, 03:26:14 PM
01 Mar 12 01:55   Sold Matthew Willis to Hoarders CC for $415,779

My affiliates YP sold for over 400k which I am happy with. Gives me 1.8m sitting there now. Only 2 mill to go.

Quote from: Fletch74 on February 27, 2012, 02:08:05 PM
Nice YP Shaggy ;)

Here is my affiliate's pull from today...

Pretty happy - ord/ord FM with avg power and 4.2k in spare ratings. On TM

01 Mar 12 02:10   Bought Collie Hunte from Blood Orange for $45,832

He's  mine now. :P

Welcome to Bermuda Shaggy  8)  I was gonna buy him for around that price but a meeting ran over time and I missed the end of the auction by 11mins.


I only moved to Netherlands because I thought it'd be a max of 4 divs... I did this to guarantee decent div 4 money... Now I'm stuck in div 5 across the board, 1 human team and 6 bot teams w/ me. I'm struggling to break even week after week w/ SA investment....

And I only have 5 decent players! rest are start ups!

What a joke.


I had an agent to 100k on him, hopig to either get him or bump him up regardless. :P