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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Quote from: Luigi197 on November 01, 2011, 11:57:13 AM
Quote from: PowerBug on November 01, 2011, 09:40:30 AM
Quote from: Luigi197 on October 31, 2011, 10:38:01 PM
Finally got a 16 year old.
Went Bermudan to follow the trend.
Am recruiting batsmen for like the whole half season, then the next half of the season i will do all bowlers. Hopefully this will revolutionise my Youth team 8)

Ord/Ord with Safe Hands and 16 years old. They are the highlights. Keep?
Yeah Luigi, not a bad pull at all. I'd hold onto him and make him a batsman. Although first thing to do is get his fielding to average, as you'll get a fielding pop every 2-3 weeks on a 16yo. :) Nice Pull
I'd still to 4 weeks as a base for youths depending on Academy levels. Better to overetimate than underestimate in this case.

Wait, what do you mean HP? My academies both a Reasonable...

And Fielding or Batting training? (I'll keep him, should do well :) )

Start with Fielding Luigi. Get that to average ;)
Then go batting, bat tech, batting etc... :)

Justin Bieber

Reasonable isn't bad but just saying 2-3 weeks (what PB suggested), may be a tad too little for Fielding, even at 16 :P. I'd agree with Fielding to Ordinary/Average first then go to Batting/Technique. If his endurance doesn't pop once he reached Ave/Ave, then I'd suggest some Fitness training as atrocious endurance is just :-X. There is basically a season training plan if you want to take it (or mix it up a bit).


Quote from: Hellopplz on November 01, 2011, 02:15:20 PM
Reasonable isn't bad but just saying 2-3 weeks (what PB suggested), may be a tad too little for Fielding, even at 16 :P. I'd agree with Fielding to Ordinary/Average first then go to Batting/Technique. If his endurance doesn't pop once he reached Ave/Ave, then I'd suggest some Fitness training as atrocious endurance is just :-X. There is basically a season training plan if you want to take it (or mix it up a bit).
Takes me 4 weeks in a superior academy to increase fielding 1 level on a 16 year old so year PB was way off :P

Master Q

Finally I get a good pull  ;D ;D ;D ;D Start at 200k?

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Master Q on November 01, 2011, 02:34:29 PM
Finally I get a good pull  ;D ;D ;D ;D Start at 200k?
Such a shame about Technique and experience. His talent would have been useful.

Master Q

Justin Bieber

Ah ;). With those talents, could sell :P.


Master Q

No he's not  ??? Should sell for at least 200k...


Quote from: Master Q on November 01, 2011, 02:48:02 PM
No he's not  ??? Should sell for at least 20k...
I suppose he could, not sure though :-\





Justin Bieber


Am I looking at the wrong link or something

Master Q

Quote from: cookie311993 on November 01, 2011, 02:54:55 PM
Am I looking at the wrong link or something
No. Biggest Beast I have ever seen. Take another look  ;)

Cookie Monster

Quote from: Cyrus on October 31, 2011, 09:12:33 PM
Clyde Cougars >> 33. Adrian Jeremy >> Details
Player Info

17 years old | 12,498 rating | $467 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast
Talents   Accumulator
Nationality   Bermuda Bermuda
Form   average
Fatigue   energetic
Experience   atrocious
Captaincy   reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman   atrocious
Bowler   dreadful
Keeper   atrocious
Allrounder   dreadful
Batting   atrocious    Endurance   poor
Bowling   poor    Technique   dreadful
Keeping   dreadful    Power   dreadful
Fielding   poor
will keep cos his low wage  ;)
sell, i'll buy him for a mil.