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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Cyrus here is the link for the canadian community for you and anyone else who wants to join


thank guys
just think off me as the next white Ben Johnston...oh wait he was a dud oh well ... Jim Carey yeah he'll do ;D

8-6 Suited

*cough* Canada is shower *cough*


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on July 13, 2011, 01:51:19 PM
*cough* Canada is shower *cough*
says the collingwood long b4 the rest of ya teeth fall out?


probably shaggy maybe you are right. but you have to start somewhere and we are a great nation moving forward. What we lacked in world cup results we make up by actually being able to field a PCC team. Pretty sure Australia couldnt do that


8-6 Suited

That makes no sense... Australia could field one but we ran out of time. heppa started then I started then he took over again and it was just a big confusing over whow as captaining it.

But while you were busy pissfarting around in PCC, I was busy winning. You should do that some time. :P


Its similar to Giants cup but instead it is based on country communities. All Canada supporters would play Australian supporters much like our franchise league and giants cup


Seriously guys stop clogging up the youth pulls thread with other stuff


fair point Shaggy i will give you that you have done well with your team mate *Applause*


Bought boomz's youth pull this week for 6k. Will be a good project keeper. Thanks boomz :)

my YP get on him only 5 hrs to go
2500k spare
will be good player in the years to come  :D


Quote from: Cyrus on July 15, 2011, 05:20:02 PM
my YP get on him only 5 hrs to go
2500k spare
will be good player in the years to come  :D
2500k Spare Ratings (SR) is shower lol. 3500+ is worth mentioning.


Quote from: Maca24 on July 15, 2011, 06:29:53 PM
Quote from: Cyrus on July 15, 2011, 05:20:02 PM
my YP get on him only 5 hrs to go
2500k spare
will be good player in the years to come  :D
2500k Spare Ratings (SR) is shower lol. 3500+ is worth mentioning.
no use BSing ppl just letting you no what he is

Justin Bieber

If he had a level extra in tech, would have forked out 20-30k for him :-\. Should get 5-10k unless you get a bidding war :P.