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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Hilly I boosted your guy up from 28k to 64k which is what he sold at. You're welcome ;)

roo boys!

Quote from: chrisuzz on May 05, 2011, 06:03:03 PM
I think ill keep him sorry RB. but how much wouldve you bought him ?


Quote from: CrowsFan on May 06, 2011, 01:16:59 PM
Hilly I boosted your guy up from 28k to 64k which is what he sold at. You're welcome ;)
thank you :)

although i am disappointed at what he sold at, was expecting 80-90k


Still 64k is better than the 28k he was at with 10 minutes to go :)
Would have gotten more if he had better secondaries, but oh well...


be thankful hilly, ive had 2 pretty decent pulls this season go for a combined 28k ::)


I haven't had a decent youth pull yet  ::)


anyone getting any decent pulls for this season. all of mine are shower


ive had one or two cant quite get what i want for one of them though :-\

Master Q





Could be more, but shouldn't be less.

Not a good judge of player prices though.

My guy has a MASSIVE tech gap.


Another rubbish paki for me! Haven't gotten a single good pull since I started the paki youth pull comp. Thanks boomz for getting me in to this  ::)

Nice player boomz, not sure how much you will get due to the poor tech, maybe just list at 0 and see what happens?


Quote from: CrowsFan on May 09, 2011, 08:09:46 PM
Another rubbish paki for me! Haven't gotten a single good pull since I started the paki youth pull comp. Thanks boomz for getting me in to this  ::)

Nice player boomz, not sure how much you will get due to the poor tech, maybe just list at 0 and see what happens?

I hadn't either until this week ;) ur luck will change :P Thats what I think I'll do.


Your guys both had the same last name. ;)

Start him at 0 cos that's what I did with my guy and he ended up selling for 95k.