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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Ok CF. I just thought it might be worth the punt at 200k as I'm not worried about losing the 1k listing fee. But I will put him up at 100k and see what happens  :)


my youth pull was poor (literally).  All skills were poor


valk your YA level is good tho right? you should be getting better pulls as the season progresses


i am not caring about youths until i get my Senior team better


Cic my YP tonight was great even though my YA is inadequate with $0 investment. Although there is a slightly better chance of getting a good pull if you have a good academy, it basically all comes down to luck.


Quote from: cookie311993 on March 28, 2011, 11:16:13 PM
i am not caring about youths until i get my Senior team better
Me neither cookie, but I still care about my Youth Pulls  ;D


yeah bazinga i care about that to cause at this stage it makes me $$$$$$


Quote from: cookie311993 on March 28, 2011, 11:19:11 PM
yeah bazinga i care about that to cause at this stage it makes me $$$$$$

Hopefully this guy will make me some $$$$$ this week  ;D

Quote from: Bazinga on March 28, 2011, 10:43:29 PM
Great pull for me also. I thought I would try pulling Bangladesh for the first time, very happy with the result  :)

Roshan Kohli

I will start him at 200k to see if I get some action. If not, I will put him up again at $0.


Justin Bieber

Quote from: Bazinga on March 28, 2011, 11:16:39 PM
Cic my YP tonight was great even though my YA is inadequate with $0 investment. Although there is a slightly better chance of getting a good pull if you have a good academy, it basically all comes down to luck.
This. I pulled the Hello Cult Figures of Casperson and Currie when I had a satisfactory YA. Not many AWESOME pulls since besides Gallagher and my recent one (despite age) but quite a few solid ones for my Youths.

Looks Great Baz! Should get the 100k easily with his skills (primaries and secondaries are pretty good!). If he was within my price range, I would go for him :P.


i dont care about the results of my youth this season just that i get plenty of good pulls

Seniors i need results


Nice pulls Baz, CF, and Maca. Should get some decent $$$ from them all ;)

I pulled a 17yo batsmen from England last night - ord/reas

Worth Keeping/Selling/Firing?


Shame he isn't 16 fletch. Add to that both his talents are for bowling and he has atrocious power I don't think he would be worth much if you sold him. You could keep him as backup for your youth team if needed


He's on the TM. If he doesn't sell, I'll fire him. it would be just a waste to keep him. The atrocious power lets him down.


Bit unlucky with your YP Fletch. Swap his batting and bowling around and the guy would be a gun  ::)