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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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is he old for the skills he has?


Quote from: Cicjose on February 21, 2011, 03:44:48 PM
is he old for the skills he has?

He would definitely look a lot nice as a 16yo but even as a 16yo he wouldn't be worth much on the TM - not at this time of the year.  If he was ord/ord (and 16) and you got him at the beginning of the season then he might be worth a bit

8-6 Suited

Its nearly the end of the season, so he is pretty much an 18yo with ordinary/poor primaries. They are crap for his age.


Agree with the rest. If my Ord/Ord 16yr old could only get 20k he's got no chance


he was tempting to keep if i had a decent academy :(


8-6 Suited

 Tickle My Timber >> Arno Schep >> Details
Player Info

16 years old | 15,855 rating | $494 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm MediumTalents   Gifted (Technique), Swing
Nationality    Netherlands
Form   reasonable
Fatigue   energetic
Experience   dreadful
Captaincy   atrocious

Skills SummaryBatsman   dreadful
Bowler   dreadful
Keeper   dreadful
Allrounder   dreadful

SkillsBatting   poor   Endurance   poor
Bowling   poor   Technique   dreadful
Keeping   poor   Power   poor
Fielding   dreadful       




Mine isnt much better Shaggy

16 years old | 17,252 rating | $711 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents   Sturdy
Nationality   Bermuda Bermuda

Form   reasonable
Fatigue   energetic
Experience   dreadful
Captaincy   reliable

Skills Summary
Batsman   poor
Bowler   poor
Keeper   dreadful
Allrounder   poor

Batting   ordinary    
Endurance   poor
Bowling   ordinary    
Technique   poor
Keeping   dreadful    
Power   dreadful
Fielding   poor



My pull:

Age: 16  :)
Rating: 24,105  ;D
Skills:  :(

Aravinda Jokin

Reckon he can sell for much?


Maybe not because of that low tech. :(

Barlow 21

Quote from: CrowsFan on February 21, 2011, 09:09:02 PM
My pull:

Age: 16  :)
Rating: 24,105  ;D
Skills:  :(

Aravinda Jokin

Reckon he can sell for much?
I buy him for 25k?

roo boys!


*le sigh* One week and back to normal. 11k rated 16 year old. Don't let the door hit you on the way out