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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Master Q

I like to have more Youths as it means bigger chance of training a guy up to be a star...


I have 20 but 7 are leaving at EOS


I have 20 with 6 leaving...

Master Q


I have 18 youths with 7 leaving (1 will be kept and 6 either fired/sold)

8-6 Suited

I have 13 and I dont care how many are leaving. Next season, I should get to at least good minimum academy in my Youths then will start buying some and keeping decent pulls.


If I promote to div 3 in SOD and T20 then I might start looking at starting up my YA.  I dont invest any money in it at the moment as I have been purely focussing on my SA, senior team and making a profit each week.


Yea i'm not starting up my youths until I can finish off my senior squad.
So most likely halfway through next season.


Mine is reasonable and ~2 weeks away from popping to satisfactory. Wanna improve it enough so i can promote in all leagues next season

roo boys!

Still not investing in youths, and won't for a while longer.


Quote from: cookie311993 on September 03, 2011, 12:51:50 PM
Mine is reasonable and ~2 weeks away from popping to satisfactory. Wanna improve it enough so i can promote in all leagues next season
I'm sure that you posted somewhere recently that you weren't going to care about your youths in the near future, and that you were going to invest $0 into your youth academy...   ??? ??? ???


Keep changing my mind.  Can't decide?

Justin Bieber

I'd say decide cause if you invest now and don't follow through (back to $0), it's basically throwing away your investment now :-X.

That's why when I started I invested and continued as to not make all that money go to waste. The earlier the decision, the better for your short/long term plans. Youths isn't always a viable option and won't make you a profit but is another dimension to the game and can grow your own players.


I am gonna invest both.  Thanks HP


i am able to take my youth recruitment now.

what should i be looking for? Spin Bowler, Fast Bowler or is there a better chance of me getting a better player if i keep it on general?

also what should i select as the nationality? my team is based in Australia, thanks :D