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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Justin Bieber

Drafted in a fairly ordinary Aussie talent who was not up to scratch.

Great pull BP 8). If you want to see if you can gain the most, put him up for 500k and watch him go up ;). 1k waste for a potential 200k more certain ;).


I pulled from holland didnt realise thats where your YP was from :( :P

8-6 Suited

My Brother in Law pulled this guy and has listed him...

It isn't enough that he is currently on holidays to Thailand for 3 weeks, back next Tuesday, but he has to pull youths like this then send me messages laughing about them.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on May 18, 2011, 07:18:03 PM

My Brother in Law pulled this guy and has listed him...

It isn't enough that he is currently on holidays to Thailand for 3 weeks, back next Tuesday, but he has to pull youths like this then send me messages laughing about them.

flower  :o hodge also got a gun with his first pull -,-


sticking with Bermuda and still yet to pull an out n out star!


Kinda annoyed at the moment and kinda not. My youth pull from monday is currently at 16k with a minute to go. He was a 17 year old ord/avg batter with ord/avg/ord endurance/strength/fielding. Reason I am annoyed is cos I decided that I wanted to keep him in the end so with a few minutes to go made a bid on him myself of 15k when he was only on 2k. Except then I got outbid so I wont keep him :(
Good news I am getting 16k for someone who wasn't worth that much :)


20 May 11 10:20 Sold Jacob Gerards to Ajax CC for $500,000



thats the keeper yeh BP ?



THought he woulda gone for more actually


Well done BP ;) Probably due to it being second half of the season Zz


Exactly fletch. If that had been week 1 he would have fetched over a million :o




Bit of a mixed bag there Pyro. Fielding is covered for some time. No need to worry there.

Other Talent is useless, pity he's 17, otherwise he might have been ok.