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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Barlow 21

Quote from: CrowsFan on February 22, 2011, 12:36:58 PM
Some guy put a 30k bid on my guy :)
Barlow said he would got up to 30 so I guess he wont get him anymore
I want to bid CF. The guy who bid said on forums he`s looking for youth and will pay big so you may make a big profit. :P


Yeah I hope I make a big profit. It's just a shame that he has dreadful technique. If it was his batting that was dreadful and his technique that was ordinary I think I would have made heaps since his secondaries are all average or above!

Justin Bieber

Secondaries remind me of a young Casper :P. He's great CF and could have gone even higher if it wasn't fopr his dreadful Tech :(. Still nice job for 30k+ 8).

16 y.o was pulled with not horrible stats but he was cleared out as well as 2 other 16/17 y.o's.



Might be able to get a little for him hilly, but as with mine the dreadful tech will hurt the sale price, but a nice talent for a batter and alright secondaries, so could get something...


Quote from: HillHero13 on February 22, 2011, 05:58:21 PM

mines up for sale, would i get anything?

Might get 5-10k if you're lucky. I had a guy similar sell for 8 earlier in the season


8-6 Suited

Pretty sure we told you the same thing last week, no. Start listening Cic.


That was the youth pull from today



Bad luck Pyro.

It's cos he's not Zimbabwean. ;)


i have had the worst season for pulls... 2 half decents in which i kept both  ::)


:-\ if it was earlier in the season he'd be alright... any1 want him?


Best thing about my youth pull was his captaincy - reliable

The rest of him is showerhouse


roo boys!