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Trade Market Trends

Started by Alex7089, October 19, 2010, 04:35:30 PM

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Yer that would help a few people. I've got a few people I'm looking at but won't dibs them because it's not that important that I get them.

Barlow 21


Barlow BBoy has dibs on him, I put Carter up so BBoy could have him ;)

roo boys!

HP, that would help me heaps, I am looking for an all-rounder. Although do you mean more newer players?


R&B I need money so if you REALLY need an AR, Sayers would be available for 75k :P

roo boys!


Horrocks could be up for that much? ;D

Hartigan has secured his spot ;D


Won't have enough to buy either of them with my finances at the moment :'(

Master Q

When Menza reaches 100 days for me you can buy him at a starting price of 150k.

roo boys!

Oh that sucks...was thinking of putting up Horrocks this week.....

No thanks Q, not worth that much to me ;)


roo boys!

Get him to Legendary fielding! ;D



Master Q

roo boys!

Show-off :P

My keeper can bat :P