Which NBA Team Do You Support?

Started by Master Q, October 12, 2010, 08:26:04 PM

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Quote from: reesbr on December 31, 2010, 06:50:11 PM
I keep changing NBA teams lol

I dont know which team I should  go for.

I want a team that is good and has a challenge
go for the lakers!


Haha i thought about it but I like the Bucks.

not sure :/


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on January 12, 2011, 12:33:02 AM
To be fair I thoroughly enjoy watching the Kings play. Tyreke Evans is an animal.

Tyreke is THE MAN


Until LeBron and Wade start involving the rest of the team the Heat wont win a thing. They have only beat actual contenders for the championship 4 times and lost 13 that just isn't good enough and shows that you need to play as a team not as individuals.

Also i don't understand why the Heat keep giving the ball to LeBron for game winning shots he is showerhouse in the clutch he has failed so many times they should try giving the ball to Wade in those situations.


Running bad and sample size. Done it so many times for cleveland. Still rather have it in bros then wades. Wade can't shoot.



Quote from: reesbr on January 12, 2011, 03:53:46 PM
Haha i thought about it but I like the Bucks.

not sure :/
you'll be in for years if not decades of frustration with the Bucks (support of 'Aussie' Andrew Bogut playing for them aside) - take it from me as a Phoenix supporter - i don't know if i'll ever live to see them win a NBA championship in my lifetime ...


Quote from: Andrew3737 on March 11, 2011, 03:49:42 PM
Running bad and sample size. Done it so many times for cleveland. Still rather have it in bros then wades. Wade can't shoot.

Neither LeBron or Wade can shoot they finish at the basket that's it.

Today though is proof if they play as a TEAM they are so much better, get Bosh his shots inside (today he got got quality shots inside and it transfered out to his mid range game).

And they also gave D-Wade the ball in the last quarter and he relished in that role scoring 8 of his 20 points in the last quarter.

I'm pretty sure LeBrons only hit 4 jump shot game winners in his career the rest come from layups at the hoop.


Quote from: Hulmie on March 11, 2011, 09:42:05 PM
Quote from: Andrew3737 on March 11, 2011, 03:49:42 PM
Running bad and sample size. Done it so many times for cleveland. Still rather have it in bros then wades. Wade can't shoot.

Neither LeBron or Wade can shoot they finish at the basket that's it.

Today though is proof if they play as a TEAM they are so much better, get Bosh his shots inside (today he got got quality shots inside and it transfered out to his mid range game).

And they also gave D-Wade the ball in the last quarter and he relished in that role scoring 8 of his 20 points in the last quarter.

I'm pretty sure LeBrons only hit 4 jump shot game winners in his career the rest come from layups at the hoop.

Show your work.

Also, Bron has a fine jump shot. His 3 lacks obviously but his inside jumpers are actually good.

Bron has higher TS%, 3pt%, eFG% on more attempts too.

D-Wade is pretty much always going to be the PG. He is a better ball handler then Bron. However, give the ball to Bron>Wade when you need something too happen.


Quote from: Andrew3737 on March 11, 2011, 10:18:38 PM
Quote from: Hulmie on March 11, 2011, 09:42:05 PM
Quote from: Andrew3737 on March 11, 2011, 03:49:42 PM
Running bad and sample size. Done it so many times for cleveland. Still rather have it in bros then wades. Wade can't shoot.

Neither LeBron or Wade can shoot they finish at the basket that's it.

Today though is proof if they play as a TEAM they are so much better, get Bosh his shots inside (today he got got quality shots inside and it transfered out to his mid range game).

And they also gave D-Wade the ball in the last quarter and he relished in that role scoring 8 of his 20 points in the last quarter.

I'm pretty sure LeBrons only hit 4 jump shot game winners in his career the rest come from layups at the hoop.

Show your work.

Also, Bron has a fine jump shot. His 3 lacks obviously but his inside jumpers are actually good.

Bron has higher TS%, 3pt%, eFG% on more attempts too.

D-Wade is pretty much always going to be the PG. He is a better ball handler then Bron. However, give the ball to Bron>Wade when you need something too happen.

For 1 LeBron actually plays the point for the Heat not D-Wade.

If you actually go back over games for the Heat in games decided by clutch shots there actually better when neither LeBron or Wade take the shot, Eddie House is actually the most clutch. (who would of thought)

LeBron has a jump shot winner against the Warriors in 09, the hornets in 06, Game 2 against the Magic last year in the playoffs.

D-Wade has game winning jump shots against the Nets in 09, against Chicago in 09, against the Pistons in 07, against the Knicks in 04, against Utah in 04 and 07, Against Hornets in 04   
LeBron has taken 50 game winners and only made 17 (14 are layups) LeBron has made 14/20 clutch free throws.
D-Wade has taken 40 game winners and only made 11 (but 7 are jump shots) D-Wade has made 13/17 clutch free throws.

So this shows depending on how your going to take you game winner depends on who takes it, if your going to drive to basket you choose LeBron just hoping he doesn't get fouled. But if your going to take the jumper D-Wade is your man.

http://www.82games.com/gamewinningshots.htm is the site

ps. LeBrons jump shot for an NBA player is still average at best, if as a team you got LeBron taking jumpers your happy.

8-6 Suited

LeBron isn't a Point Guard for the Heat Hulmie, he is a Small Forward. Please learn what you are talking about then try again.


LeBron doesn't always play the point. Depends on matchups brah.

Wade is the primary ball handler @ Miami.

Also, LeBron has the triple threat. D-Wade does not.

Also, in that site, LeBron has 10% more FG. Driving, or jump shot, give the ball to LeBron, he has a better, like I said, FG%, 3pt%, TS%, eFG%. Don't see this as debatable tbh.

Also 8-6, LeBron plays every position. He plays point sometimes. D-Wade however, is the better point and plays it a lot more then LeBron.

8-6 Suited

Yeah he does but you don't jump up and say LEBRON PLAYS POINT BETTER THAN WADE! Because he doesn't.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on March 12, 2011, 02:44:24 AM
LeBron isn't a Point Guard for the Heat Hulmie, he is a Small Forward. Please learn what you are talking about then try again.

Just because he's a Small Forward on Video games doesn't means that's just his position if you actually watch NBA games you'll see that he's the majority ball handler for the Heat and brings the ball up and basically plays the point for the heat on Offence.

Also if you go through the play by plays this year you'll see that when D-Wade has the ball in the 4th in tight games the Heat generally win, proof against the Lakers.

What that site shows though is it's basically a flop if LeBron gets a Jump Shot for a game winner.
Where as if it's Wade taking a jumpshot you have more chance of him scoring.

You also need to go have a look at clutch shots in the last 5 min of close games.
LeBron has a FG%.439 3pt%.294 FT%87
D-Wade has a FG%.345 3pt%.429 FT%73

So that stat shows again in the clutch if your plan is to drive give it to LeBron.
If your going to take jump shots give it to D-Wade.


I'll throw Bosh's stat line in there aswell

FG% .520, 3fg% .600, FT% 81%

Really they should be going threw Bosh in the clutch if you want to go on Stats.