Cash Corade

Started by bazza16, April 16, 2009, 05:48:42 AM

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I have been wondering- with people saying trades are gold and everything- i have been wondering HOW much is a trade really worth? and WHAT MAX value you would pay to get an extra trade? 100k? one way of looking at it is, you start off with 10mil. A trade is worth 10mil/20. (500k) For instance, if you had a rookie, who would make 100k worth in value over 5 rounds, but you knew another rookie would make 200k over 5 rounds... would you trade?

But- i would also like some advice on my team................I am going to trade Wells or foley for beams this week- which one though? I am leaning towards dumping foley, because i see no room for improvent, he was close to BOG against WB, and only scored 88, bad effency, and Wells has been scoring 25 odd less points, but is in his WORSE form......when he hits his straps this year (no garuntees) he could score 100 a game..... thanks (BTW 16 trades left...Houli in team, S, STevens in team, L. ANthony in team)


An ability to BUY additional trades might make an interesting rule variation.