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Started by benjy251090, September 27, 2010, 12:55:53 AM

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Nah not really Grazz loves his fishing, and he's pee'ed off when he gets nothing. Hence the fish monger lol


Quote from: naste on February 18, 2012, 12:33:33 AM
Quote from: CrowsFan on February 17, 2012, 11:14:20 PM
Everyone on here knows Grazz is a very keen fisherman. I was interested in finding out why that was so I asked his wife, and this was her reply.

"I think the only reason my husband likes to go fishing so much is that it's the only time he hears someone tell him, "Wow, that's a big one!""


Reckon he goes to the fish monger on the way home just quietly.
Haha that reminds me of another joke!

Grazz has had a terrible day fishing and hasn't managed to catch a single fish. Disheartened he returns home, but on the way stops in at the fish monger. "4 flathead please. But could you please throw them at me," Grazz says to the monger.
The monger is puzzled, "you want me to throw them at you? Why?"
"Well if you throw them at me I can tell my wife that I caught these fish!" Grazz replies with a grin across his face.
"Ah well in that case you would be better off getting some trevalla," the monger says.
Grazz is now the one who looks puzzled, "why's that? Are trevalla easier to catch?"
The monger looks at him with a cheeky grin on his face, "oh no, nothing like that. You wife was just in here earlier this morning and said if you came in to tell you she prefers trevalla for dinner!"


Grazz & Dudge found a bottle floating on the water, retrieved it, rubbed it, and a genie popped out.
"I'll grant each of you one wish," said the genie. Dudge wished for a new fishing boat, all decked out, complete with outboard, the whole nine yards.
Poof! New boat!
Grazz wished for the lake to be turned into beer.
Poof! The lake is now made of beer.
"Grazz You dummy!" exclaimed Dudge. "Now we'll have to pee in the boat!"


Grazz, Dudge and Naste are all stuck on a deserted island when they find a magic lamp and rub it
out pops a genie and he says i will grant you each one wish

so Grazz goes first and says: i wish i was in America with a great big mansion and never have to worry about money again....and puff his gone

next Dudge says: i wish i was in Hawaii with a great big mansion and never have to worry about money again....and puff his gone

that leaves naste the genie says what do you want

and he says: i want them two bloody a***holes back here right now....



A father and his son are taking a bath. The son says to his father, "Dad, Why is your willy bigger then mine?" The dad replies, "Well, yours isn't erect for a start."


Quote from: Jukes on February 18, 2012, 03:29:38 PM
A father and his son are taking a bath. The son says to his father, "Dad, Why is your willy bigger then mine?" The dad replies, "Well, yours isn't erect for a start."
I don't know what to say to that joke.


Quote from: PowerBug on February 18, 2012, 04:26:16 PM
Quote from: Jukes on February 18, 2012, 03:29:38 PM
A father and his son are taking a bath. The son says to his father, "Dad, Why is your willy bigger then mine?" The dad replies, "Well, yours isn't erect for a start."
I don't know what to say to that joke.

Very disturbing would be a start...  :-X

Not a great joke....

My Chumps

Quote from: Jukes on February 18, 2012, 03:29:38 PM
A father and his son are taking a bath. The son says to his father, "Dad, Why is your willy bigger then mine?" The dad replies, "Well, yours isn't erect for a start."
Hahahahaha, pisser.


Quote from: Jukes on February 18, 2012, 03:29:38 PM
A father and his son are taking a bath. The son says to his father, "Dad, Why is your willy bigger then mine?" The dad replies, "Well, yours isn't erect for a start."
Cutting edge humor. I like it!

My Chumps

Sexist/Racist/Generally sick jokes are the best   :P

What is a woman doing when she is looking at a blank piece of paper?

Reading her rights


Quote from: My Chumps on February 18, 2012, 07:28:01 PM
Sexist/Racist/Generally sick jokes are the best   :P

What is a woman doing when she is looking at a blank piece of paper?

Reading her rights



Not a joke but a stat:

9 out of 10 people enjoy gang


Im getting hammered here lol.  :o

My Chumps

Quote from: PowerBug on February 18, 2012, 09:05:46 PM
Not a joke but a stat:

9 out of 10 people enjoy gang
Heard it before, but I still love it  ;D

Why do women have smaller feet than men?

So they can stand closer to the sink.


Why did the woman cross the road?
Theres no roads in kitchens.