Max Rooke next year

Started by reesbr, September 23, 2010, 11:11:27 AM

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What does everyone think about Max Rooke next year?


doesn't aveerage alot but if too serious is anything to go by they reckon he'll be an even 100,000
not a bad benching at that price


Yeah i was on the fan planner and he is only 116k


nice cuz ya know if his body is right he will play


1 match for 23 points... hmm..... Even a 20% discount seems him under $100k.

Very much has the makings of a cash cow ala Matt Maguire.

I'd honestly forgotten about Rooke!


Yeah same!

On the fan planner at the moment he is my last forward


The rumour mill says his knee is slowly disintegrating...will he last another pre-season? Good value if he can hang in there.