Joel Selwood: 2011

Started by DazBurg, September 09, 2010, 01:19:46 PM

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Joel Selwood

2010 Stats
Games: 21
Total Score: 2,474 (Ranked 6th overall, 6th amongst midfielders)
Average Score: 117.81 (Ranked 5th overall, 5th amongst midfielders)
High: 175 (Round 17)
Low: 70 (Round 4)
Centuries: 15 out of 21
Starting Price: $588,900
High Price: $641,500 (round 18)
Lowest Price: $518,800 (round 6)


Joel Selwood when will you stop improving?. This guy just get's better and better for fantasy coach's. Another stellar year and with it a higher average an even more consistency with as said above  15 100's and only two game were actually under 90. Making him one of the true elite fantasy players for the year

The Crystal Ball:
Based on last year's magic number

Price: $625,688
Position: MID

Will ablett go?. Will he stay? will this affect selwood?. Personally i think not one bit either way his a gun and with the added consistency to his game plus still improving. The sky's the limit with this lad
he goes in tough earning hardball's and free kicks galore making his fantasy points soar. also lets not forget in the past 3 seasons his missed a total of 2 games and only 4 games in his first year.  missed games in 4 years makes him as durable as they come.


Turning 23 next year and still improving. heaps of hardball gets and free kicks, throw in the occasional goal and some great tackles. plus the ability to get 30 or more possessions. Makes him hard to pass up
Personally. I had him from the start in 2010 instead of ablett or swan and cannot say i was disappointed
and you have to wonder whether he will become one of the top 3 in the league considering they say the peak is 25 to 28 so his exceeded all expectations and still going strong either way the big question is

Will Joel Selwood be selected by you in 2011?


I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop for Joel, and he keeps smacking me in the head with the first shoe.

Joel could easily slip into my midfield


Same Ossie. At 625 though I still think I'll be laying odds against him. He may come in mid year but not at the start for me


Quote from: ossie85 on September 09, 2010, 01:24:25 PM

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop for Joel, and he keeps smacking me in the head with the first shoe.

Joel could easily slip into my midfield
lol...nice way to put it ossie


A must have from the beginning.


Have to wait and see what happens with GAJ first, but he is a bit pricey!! Might wait if he's at that price.

Justin Bieber

I've gotten him since his rookie year, things don't look like changing!!!

Planning a Boyd, Swallow and perhaps Selwood midfield 3 strong next year. The guy at that age has alot of room for improvement.

Master Q

Dips into the Bank a little, I'll think about him


i have got him every year not going to stop now


Depends for me. If GAJ leaves I might jump on, if he stays hard to see him getting better.

Master Q

Quote from: Alex7089 on September 10, 2010, 09:02:33 AM
Depends for me. If GAJ leaves I might jump on, if he stays hard to see him getting better.
In SC or actual game-play?


In SC.
In game play he will of course get better every year he is a gun.
My worry is if GAJ stays his scoring could go all superhuman again without the GC rumors/$$ on his mind then that would limit Joel's scoring.


started ablett selwood and pendles as my three locks this yr. best move ever.

selwood. love the kid. love the way he plays, love his SC output. wont love him as much if ablett goes, as he WILL cop the No.1 tag each week and has struggled a bit with that in the past when teams go to him instead of the bald knight.

has there been a kid who has performed better in his opening handful of seasons?


I haven't seen any better thatguy, most have a down year in year 2.
He is such a star!


will get him but if ablett leaves it will be even better but may cop the bigger tag though