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R&B's Internet

Started by Alex7089, September 04, 2010, 09:16:41 AM

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No spam here the thread was for this :P

Still though waiting is better than nothing.

roo boys!

Yeah it sorta is better than nothing but Unlimited would be even better.


INdeed it would.
Problem with unlimited is it gets freakishly slow at times the freakishly quick but at peak hours when everybody in the area is downloading videos and whatnot it gets slooooooooow

roo boys!

I saw an ad that had unlimited for $40 per month, and I think our current internet is about $30.


Ah that sucks big time!

Gotta be careful though the bigger the company you go with the faster it will tend to be but more expensiv so you have to pick and choose.

roo boys!



HAHAHAHA R&B you gonna vote? I will make one.

roo boys!


roo boys!


Think I might stay on this one for a while ;D

roo boys!


Even posting in the SC P&T.
Imagine if I got this into the top 10 posters. Would be gold.

roo boys!