It's just not Cricket @ Adelaide Oval - AFL?

Started by McRooster, September 02, 2010, 09:27:29 PM

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The Adelaide Casino has come out and said it will put 250 million into the Torrens River development should the current plans for Adelaide Oval get the rubber stamp.
Currently a large walk only fly bridge is being thrown around as the arterial link between the oval and a new riverfront precinct, giving the City a new beat. Restaurants, bars, gaming (ala Melbournes Southbank) will be joined by a walkover similar to Etihads with Spencer St Station.

The City of Adelaide and the AFL wins (+ Demetriou's investment partners who are interested in future World Cup fixtures) but at what cost to the SANFL (Stadium deals would help Power and appear to help Crows).

Currently the rennos look spectacular - although Adelaide Oval #2 is shagged, it appears the Chappell bar still remains.


Also only 1200 carparks will be created - (a round peg does not fit into a square hole).
Some major campaining and restructuring of our Public trans network will need to be addressed, Adelaideans aren't like the swarm that fills the MCG and Etihad each match - we like to drive over here  :P

Master Q

This will be hugely backed. This is one of the ways to get around the World Cup. But, I'd like to see Skilled Stadium be renovated before this, but I think this might already be happening, I'm not sure.


Well the first three big events have failed to please the public.
The oval has now seen The Ashes Test, Big Bash 20/20 and the international 20/20 come and go.
Reports of insufficient toileting and lonq queues for drinks are plagueing the re-development.
Members reporting that from the main dining room there is NO toilet on that floor and if you need to go you have to go up or down a level or two to take a slash with your mid wicket  :o
Similar stories in the outer. We are used to seeing the ladies lining up but the blokes lining up is a disgraceful lack of planning, several incidents of patrons peeing in the hand basins are being reported.
One punter when complaining about the 23 minute wait he had for 2 plastic schooners told the story of not being able to buy his two refreshments ordered because he had nothing smaller than a $50 on him - they'd run out of change! ::)
Keep in mind that the excellent developments at Etihad and MCG have shown us how to do it right, this is pathetic planning and will not hold AFL very well at all. When pushed about the public facilities the SACA spokesperson quoted "cost factors" about the number of toilets built. :P

Do this right SA or build another (preferably covered) stadium at the existing rail yard site. This would be a massive waste of money IMO but if we are going to IT right we may just have to start from the ground up.