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Chuck Norris

Started by Alex7089, September 02, 2010, 05:05:19 PM

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Got any good lines? I have- Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door ;D


I actually dont know who he is


Roundhouse kick expert! (me either:P)


so its not actually a real person?? im confused

roo boys!

Chuck Norris IS Chuck Norris.

yeah I dont know too much.

Master Q

Chuck Norris is a real person. Really good and Martial Arts and Movie Star.

"Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone."  ;D

roo boys!

Chuck Norris can punch a cyclops between the eye.

Justin Bieber

Haven't you seena  few episodes of Walker Texas Ranger?

Check out Matt Priddis' fanfooty page ;).


When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.


When someone picks a fight with Chuck Norris, the cops class it as a suicide

roo boys!

I found an awesome website and I had about 10 but then my computer went flat before I could post em :(

I had that one Rooster, that was my fav.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity- twice

When Chuck Norris does a pushup, when he pushes he stays still and the earth moves down.

Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect 4 in three moves.


Recently Chuck Norris visited the Virgin Islands. When he left, they were just the islands.
Living in the same universe as Chuck Norris means you don't qualify for life insurance. At any age.
Chuck Norris is the reason Wally is hiding.
Chuck Noris can speak brail, and hear sign language.
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Gloria Jeans. He got one.


There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

The original title for Alien vs. Predator was Alien and Predator vs Chuck Norris. The film was cancelled shortly after going into preproduction. No one would pay nine dollars to see a movie fourteen seconds long.


Chuck Norris doesn't pay attention - attention pays him
Chuck Norris doesnt mow his lawn. He just stands outside and dares it to grow


Chuck Norris doesnt believe in the periodic table - he only believes in the element of suprise. 

Some say.... the only thing quicker than the Stig around the Nurburgring is a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris was banned from the Olympics because his mere presence is considered to be a performance-enhancing substance

Chuck Norris can see John Cena

There used to be a street named after Chuck Norris, but it was changed because noboddy crosses Chuck Norris and lives.

Scientists have predicted that the world will end in 2012, but that is just a guess when Chuck Norris' patience will run out.