Ppl. who don't have ablett are tools

Started by mog_dog00, April 11, 2009, 04:06:48 AM

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fair dinkum.. so LTI huh?? how about 37 touches and 150SC points?? honestly so many ppl have made reasons why u shouldn't of picked ablett pre season... ie, too expesnsive he will go down in value, too much of a risk ect.
i saw ablett run just as hard as anyone does last night - injured i doubt it boys!  he will go up in value next week as if u wouldn't of had him!!


U almost feel sorry for those who don't have him, but not quite... :P :P



This is a SC thread Stinky Pete.

Ablett is at a completly different level in SC to all other players where in DT he is only as good as Bartel, Corey, Swan etc.

Last night excluded you can go without Ablett in DT but in SC you are way of the pace if you dont have him. He's an absolute must.

Ablett has already scored over 900 points for me as Captain in 3 games. Maybe only Dal Santo will come close at the end of this round but I doubt many people are locking him in as Captain every week.

No Ablett = catch up SC


DT?? i think its outdated now - its a crap comp DT. SC offers higher scores and more satisfaction in picking good players. All the higher points one can score via champion data is literally rewarded - a good contested grab is deemed more point worthy than a uncontested mark.. the ones who talk up DT just musn't appreciate a good brand of footy - u'd obviously prefer a kick to kick in the backline game or something=gay!!  i like watching the footy and watching good exciting footy - and seeing ur squad get hard ball gets(+points) its (a) great to watch and (b) great 4 ur SC!!
DT does not promote good footy but SC can yea?? anyway off topic of the original post but anyway!!

Hibbo - i do feel sorry 4 ppl without him lol!!



his price is expected to rise about 8k approx


Yeah, that's in the range - Diddley said...

a quick calculation on gary ablett jnr, and i got his price to rise to 738k in SC

in http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,2155.0.html


ok ok ok so ablett is a must. all i need is a judd 190 & im up with u all :D ... oh & about $140K richer


@ ImSoHood: LOL... ALL you need is a "Judd 190".. lol. not asking too much then?!?! Captain Gary. Every Week. No Ifs. No Buts. Get on it (or don't @ your SC peril).


Juddy can do it...

ps Fatty, luv ur name.