Help need ablett!!!

Started by joshc35, April 10, 2009, 12:34:49 AM

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i want ablett caues i  was stupid enough not to get him at the start of the season.
Should i trade Corey for him???



yeah i want to but would rather trade Joel selwood for him but i cant caues i don't have enough money.
will ablett go up in price???
and will selwood go down in price?
also ii i dont trade this round then all the prices will go up next lockout?


Ok, Ablett needs to score more than 122 this week to go up in price. So, yes its more than likely he will go up in price, but not much.

And yes, its quite likely that Selwood will drop in price. He needs a big game of 151 to stop going down in price.

If you can afford the trade, DO IT NOW!


yeah that's my problem  because i don't  have enough money and i only have one trade left.
Option1. is to trade Corey for ablett
Option 2. is to make a trade this week like trade raines for some1 cheaper and get the extra money, then next week get ablett.

so i dont no what to do.


Ok, in response to your two choices...

Option 1. How much would it leave you in the bank if you do this trade?

Option 2. This option could be potentially the better option, but your only problem is next weeks price fluctuations. If you were to go with this, I'd recommend trading Raines for Cheney of Petrenko, both tipped to rise as much as $90,000.


Where are you getting these breakevens from?


Hey Gaz,

There is a free program on the internet called FF Genie. It will give you detailed information about the price changes, break evens and general stats. I'm finding it be a very good tool to have.

You can find at

Have fun and good luck!


ok thanks for your help well if i do option one i have  10,000 left over.
so do u think it is worth trading Corey or do u think it is too much of a sidewards trade????


I probably think it is.

Corey is averaging 103, and amazingly will drop a little for it, but not much to panic about (15,000)

But I think with the young guns going to skyrocket this week, your best is to probably keep Corey and trade Raines.

Now, the next big question is do you trade Raines for a cheaper rookie in Cheney or Petrenko or do you trade him for a similarly priced Gilbert or Hurn? All 4 players are expected increase upwards to $50,000...


yeah look your right well i already have Petrenko ,Hill and Surban in my team so trading Raines for Cheney would be having to first year players on the field

But if i do decide to do that i can have ablett the next round

Or as u said go for raines to gilbert then not have ablett unless i blow another 2 trades next week.


joshc35 this is What you need to do.
Build a time machine.
Go back in time.
Get gaj.
make gaj captain.
alternatively you could trade corey for gaj


hindsight is a wonderful thing...


No need for the crystal ball n e more


don't bother with gaj... he is too expensive. pick him up once he has dropped in price. plus something about getting tagged and a heavily strapped ankle.