Help a bro out?

Started by Maca24, August 19, 2010, 08:13:45 PM

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Which option

Pav to daisy and higo to waite (strijk on field)
4 (40%)
bock to gilbee and pav to roo (ellard on field)
6 (60%)

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bock to gilbee and pav to roo?
Pav to D.Thomas and higgens to waite?
my cover is strijk in backs and ellard in forwards.
so i have2 decide to trade out bock, higgens or pav. i have 2 trades 119k bank


option 2 but gilbes a little shaky


yea only reason im going gilbee is because i need2 take a risk and he is capable of big scores. i could go gilbert or gram instead though..


Apprantly Gilbee has been carrying a shoulder injury, hense the low scores so wouldn't be going near him. Has your opponent be struck with any of the big outs this week? Are you confident u will win?


bosh im definitely the underdog. he has lost hayes, sandi and higgens aswell. no cover for sandi but he has fyfe and shuey covering the other two. wat do u recomend? and thanks for ur help  :)



Got good news for you maca, FYFE has been rested this week, he could have a donut. Does he have either Gilbee or Roo? Cause if your the Under dog no point copying, you gotta try to gain points, if he has them option 1.


he has roo but he has jaensch to cover in forwards!  >:( he also has 2 trades. (he told me)
so wats my plan of attack?  :)


Without knowing your team, I would go Bock to Enright and Higgens to Daisey.


backs. God, hodge,, enright, BOCK, kennlly, waters. (strijk)
frwds. didak, PAV, HIGGENS, buddy, hall, brown, ROK. (ellard)
sorry bosh im not helping lol

roo boys!

Option 1, Strijk will probably outscore Ellard anyway.


With knowing your team I would probs go with option one, really good options and very unique, hope I helped.