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Roosters Rumours

Started by McRooster, August 16, 2010, 06:52:50 PM

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So many rumours end up being the truth because the inner circle of trust is often broken, some people just can't help but gossip.
Here in the FB it is that perfect place to post what we might've heard or allegedly happened.

I'll begin with Nathan Bock's girlfriend has quit her job, fuelling speculation of a move to a more 'Sunny' climate.

Please feel free to add. ;D

CFC 1979


Sandy Roberts said he signed a contract :o

Dunno what he has been smoking surely we would of heard if he signed a contract  :-\


That's the sort of thing I was trying to perpetuate in this thread AFEV  ;)

It is only a rumour, pure conjecture ( Q and Bluke's favourite term), without fact, basis or backing and yet still so much of this becomes the truth.

Sandy must have heard something somewhere ???

What about Paul Roos after his year off next year taking on Roos Blues?


Justin Bieber

Ablett is moving to GC because his brother is there :P.


salopek already going back to melbourne?


Quote from: Hellopplz on August 16, 2010, 10:01:27 PM
Ablett is moving to GC because his brother is there :P.
Selwood leaving to GC so he can be kind of close-ish to one of his brothers.

roo boys!

Hope that doesn't mean Swallow will leave NM :o



Who can add more to the cracking of the McDermott/McGuiness foundation?

I was going to put this one in last night but former Hells Angel Bikie Leo Hunt has confirmed "he put the wind up him" when questioned about the reasons about McGuiness departure overseas.

McGuiness today has resigned as a board director of the foundation and McDermott will go forward alone.

My source also went on to add in roles similar to those at charitable organizations like Greenpeace, the top brass were well and truly drawing an excellent renumeration. The two Mc's for years had un-neccessarily driven high end vehicles like BMW 4wd's leased through the foundation.

Hope you can keep it in your pants overseas Tony.

... and Chris ....stay premium

The kids need it more than you champ.


Quote from: Alex7089 on August 16, 2010, 08:33:13 PM
Chocco's bombers ;D
Alex on the money!  8)

Back to Mcguiness, a hopeless root rat when he was on the piss. Including getting a 17yr old employee 'up the duff' whilst he was running Rowe & Jarman sports store years ago. Georgina McGuiness stood by him through that episode.
One of the mothers of another kid where McGuiness took his kid to school is how he met the ex bikie's missus.
His pattern of behaviour all stems back to Glenelg days and parties that involved xxxxx xxxxxx, Pam and Graham Cornes. Graham a tee totaller and absolute player charmed Pam away from xxxxx and then had the two boys Chad and Kane with him.
Then McGuiness went to Footscray and Pam went with him.
Cruiseon talked previously in another thread about the tension at Crowland between McLeod and Edwards, then how about the tension when McGuiness came back to the Crows from Footscray and Cornes was the coach !!!??
We all talk about professionalism in sport, so what about the Cornes brothers and how they took instruction from a man (McGuiness as assistant coach at Power) when they knew he'd been off with their mum?

Obvously the game is bigger than the man.

Chad and Kane stayed premium.


dont forget Tony's Body And Soul haha that little venture didnt last long either... would it be fair to upgrade his name from Tony to Twostroke McGuiness :-X

roo boys!

Quote from: McRooster on August 16, 2010, 06:52:50 PM
So many rumours end up being the truth because the inner circle of trust is often broken, some people just can't help but gossip.
Here in the FB it is that perfect place to post what we might've heard or allegedly happened.

I'll begin with Nathan Bock's girlfriend has quit her job, fuelling speculation of a move to a more 'Sunny' climate.

Please feel free to add. ;D
Rooster on the money :)


The real reason that Chad Cornes can't get a game at the Power is that if he plays one or two more games this season he is entitled to an extra 70k at the end of this season. The club cannot afford that sort of payout and are sweating each week that Jay Schulz is not available.
The rest of the squad know exactly what is going on and are playing with a doubt 'will we get paid ourselves?'  GWS are rumoured to have promised to have put up the 70k shortfall for Cornes if he signs with them next year and the playing group know it.