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Master Q v Alex7089

Started by Master Q, August 13, 2010, 12:30:23 PM

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You are fighting back Q ;)

roo boys!

Q closing....what a battle.


Yes an epic battle!
I have my 100 post lead back with 200 posts today ;D

Justin Bieber

That's unheard of since the glory days of round 1 lockout!!!

roo boys!

I wish I came on Round 1 lockout. :(

Justin Bieber

Alex and I were going crazy in the SC board. But i was splitting my team between both DT and SC when he was in the SC one.

The good old days :D.

roo boys!

Ahh there is always next Round 1!


Quote from: roo boys! on August 14, 2010, 10:06:59 PM
Ahh there is always next Round 1!
Like the new DP R&B!
Yeah I am gonna sit in the passenger seat for round 1 next year... Maybe ::)

roo boys!

Cheers Alex. About to Make a thread.


you know I will be there :)

roo boys!

it wouldn't be the same if you weren't!

Justin Bieber

Alex pips Q to the 4000 mark. Congratz on the win but wasn't by much though :-X. Q yet to reach it though ;).


Q catching me quick... bound to overtake me soon enough :(

Master Q

roo boys!