A point could be worth a goal next year! WTF

Started by Blueboys, August 11, 2010, 01:29:09 PM

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AFL looking to change the rule again, hope not the game has enough rules as it is...

I would think that if the goal umpire isn't sure and then all the ump's get together to work it out in the same time they could have another umpire with the video replay get the answer right in the same time or less.


Let's just hope this near happens in a GF game....


Indeed BB - there's a rule change thread over in the AFL section, but I don't agree with that all. It changes one of the fundamentals of the game!

found in space

surely a goal umpire on each post should be tried first before such a drastic rule change?


Ridiculous!!! Man, they're crazy!! The AFL are surely just trying to get media speculation?

Master Q

Quote from: Fletch74 on August 11, 2010, 01:47:24 PM
Ridiculous!!! Man, they're crazy!! The AFL are surely just trying to get media speculation?
Agreed, but why do they want speculation in times like this?


This is just stupid.. First they poach rugby players now this... What are they trying to merge the leagues or something?

CFC 1979

rumour is AFL will be introducing a crossbar at about 11 feet up the goal posts - goal above and point below

sound familiar


Quote from: Master Q on August 11, 2010, 04:51:57 PM
Quote from: Fletch74 on August 11, 2010, 01:47:24 PM
Ridiculous!!! Man, they're crazy!! The AFL are surely just trying to get media speculation?
Agreed, but why do they want speculation in times like this?
Just trying to float the idea in the media to see what the reaction is... I don't think they will introduce it at all.


It's so ridiculous.really if they can't kick the ball though the big gap known as the goals then they deserve nothing more than a point.they are professional footy players who are paid to kick goals(mainly the forwards).if they can't kick it properly why should they be rewarded for it.


Quote from: luvfooty on August 12, 2010, 12:08:36 PM
It's so ridiculous.really if they can't kick the ball though the big gap known as the goals then they deserve nothing more than a point.they are professional footy players who are paid to kick goals(mainly the forwards).if they can't kick it properly why should they be rewarded for it.
Good point, they are eing paid a nice chunk of cash and dedicate the majority of their days to perfecting things like this (if you are T.Cloke) and honestly, after spending all that time working on it they should be able to do it and if they cannot then WTH why would you give them a goal.
CFC nice 8)


I heard some saying a goal upmire on every post would work! hahahaha now thats funny!  :P

roo boys!

Hope they don't change this rule, just leave it how it is!


They won't end up changing it... at least I hope not!


Yeah if a player can't kick for sh*t (*cough* travis cloke *cough*) it's his own fault. This is one of the worst rule proposals I've ever seen.